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Hi all,

2022 has only two days left! First, I would like to thank you all for supporting me and this game so far! I can't make such massive progress without you!

A new partner, FaTer has joined my team recently (now we have two people! Yeah), and he'll be working on all the cutscenes for future development :D He is a professional DAZ artist who recently learned to work with UE5 and blender; some of you might have seen his work before. Check out his website: https://www.fatergdcomics.com/.

Hopefully, you'll see his new year gift video soon :D

Here is my plan for level 2. Please be aware the following content contains Spoils for the new level:

After Kitsune destroyed Mine Town, life went back to normal. Moli (the school girl) also loses contact with Kitsune for a while, as she doubts if the Spirit of the land will ever appear again. 

On a regular school day, Moli gets bullied again by a naughty schoolboy. The Kitsune suddenly shows up and shrinks everyone inside the school. She then left Moli to decide what to do with those people. So level 2 starts from here.

Players first will play as Moli and collect some people who have bullied her. Meanwhile, Moli's boyfriend also gets shrunk by Kitsune, so the player will need to control her tiny boyfriend and win Moli's attraction without being crushed! 

After collecting all the victims, Moli puts them on a desk and tortures them with mini-games. Players will play as the tinys during the mini-game. Currently, I designed three mini-games (please let me know if you have some better ideas):

1. Avoid being crushed by Moli's random movement. (like a boss fight, but you can't fight back XDDDD)

2. Lick her soles with QTE keys

3. Resist Moli's finger crush by pressing a key.

There'll be some cutscenes during these mini-games.

The general level 2 will focus on demonstrating the size play. If you have any good suggestions on how to implement the game, please leave a comment. I'll consider putting them into the game :D

 Happy new year!






一个月后的某一天, Moli去学校的时候,在门口被小混混拦住了,然后这时候小狐狸出现了,一系列操作之后全学校的人都被变小了。第二关正式开始。



1. 控制小人在桌面上躲闪,防止被Moli打死

2. 舔Moli的脚

3. 狂按某个键,和Moli的手指做抗争。







Happy to be on the team!!! Hope you all will like my animations :))))


Congratulations for all the work done. When do you expect to finish and publish the project?

Will Ji

I’ll try my best to publish it in January… worst case is it will be delayed to February.


Wow this sounds awesome if im honest. Glad you also found someone to help. I'm not a big fan of QTEs as it starts to hurt my joints after a while, but I'll have to play it to judge how hard it is. Might be a good idea to add a "accessibility" feature. Hold QTE instead of Tap QTE. looking forward to the update

Will Ji

Oh, don’t worry, it won’t be hard (maybe just keep tapping the random key)🤣🤣🤣 I just don’t want the entire game look like a pure video play.