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Thank you all for supporting! I wish this video is not letting you down :D

The game becomes really buggy since the player's scale reaches 20000 XDDD But it's really fun to play as a huuuuuuge girl! I'm working on debugging the game, and definitely, we'll have it soon.

Moreover, this GIS system is charged 500 dollars per month as a base price (for 300GB data downloading) and it'll charge for the extra money if the user exceeds the limit (basically we are consuming a lot of data loading the map/geo data, I spent about 400 MB in these four days testing), I probably need to think of a way for long term sustainability XDDD otherwise my Patreon income couldn't afford this service. At least try not to visit tooooooo many places in a month XDDDD Also please don't share this game with others if you don't want the data to run out too quick XDDD

Have a good weekend and you'll get this game soon in next week :D (I probably will set early access for Tier2/3 Patrons for 2-3 days earlier as they really support this a lot, but every supporter will be able to play it for sure :D appreciate your understanding)

感谢大家的支持! 希望这个视频里演示的效果没有让你失望哈哈~


GIS系统是根据用户下载量收费的,基础每个月是500美金 (300GB下载流量),然后越多人使用流量消耗会越多……超限了之后就要继续加钱T。T 我这三天的测试花了大概400MB,所以还是有点紧张的。我估计要研究一下怎么解决这个问题?不然我patreon的收入肯定是不够负担这个了XDDD 起码大家不要一个月内去太多地方就好!以及请不要乱分享这个游戏,不然很快流量就不够了。

大家周末愉快,下周应该就会发布啦~ (这次的游戏可能会设置2-3天的提前发布,给Tier2/3的用户,也是感谢这些人一直以来的支持,不过每个人最终都可以玩到这个版本请大家理解!)



This game is made with UE5 and the GIS system. By inputting the latitude/longitude, you can reach every place on earth as a giantess :D Do some sightseeing or crush the entire city? It all depends on you! The maps are 1:1 to the real world with the help of the GIS system, so you can even find your house in the game! Hope you like it! #giantess #giantesscrush #巨大娘


GodLiquid Z

Why not use it on your end and cache the data, and then have it included as part of the game data so it’s not being accessed by possibly thousands of people? The other option is to store the downloaded data to your own server so it doesn’t need to be spent downloading it all again for every user.

Will Ji

Emm… it might works for one area of the map. But if we are talking about traveling all around the earth I couldn’t cache every place into this game haha 😂 so I guess the paid solution which can stream downloading the map would be the best for now.