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Hi everyone,

Thanks for supporting this game so far. Here’s my plan for this month’s update :D You should be able to see the new version by next week.

1. New characters. There’ll be 3 new girls (I would need to retarget their bones manually, so I will try to do as many as I can this month. However, since I’ve already spent 600 dollars on these models, they will eventually all join the game XDDD) and 1 male character (yes! There will be a male character for the tiny mode) join the game, include 1 nude character.

2. Climbing system will be added to the game. If you switch to tiny mode, you should be able to climb onto the giantess (no further interactions for now. I made the shaking animations, but you won’t take any damage. The collision is not super accurate, but it works?)

3. New vehicle system and crush effects. These new vehicles are using the UE5 chaos vehicle control system (more realistic in vehicle simulations). I’m working on rebuilding the whole traffic system based on these new cars. Later, you can even drive the vehicles around the map and get crushed by giantess. However, this may slow down the performance. The vehicle destruction system might be the best one in giantess game so far, I guess. (and the slowest too! XDDDD it uses real time physical simulations for more realistic. It also will burn and explode XDDDD) I need some test to see if it’s possible to optimize it. For now, I’ll leave an option for setting how many cars on the road.

To-do list for future:

1. Vehicle driving system (not able to update this month but will be added soon). Player will be able to drive those new vehicles in the map soon. (and get crushed too)

2. Houdini ground/building destructions. I will try to get a better groundbreaking effect in future. If I can successfully learn the Houdini tool, then I will replace the current building destructions with new system too. This feature is not guaranteed XDDDD

3. Make some new sounds for the games.

4. Skill trees. Giantess will be possible to equip different attack animations soon. (I’ve made many animations so far and I don’t want to waste them)

5. Level 2 storyline :D Sorry I haven’t done much on the new level recently, but most of the new features that I was planning to have in level 2 are developed, I guess it won’t take long to set up the RPG story.

This month I got a lot of new features added to the game (climbing / traffic system (brand new one), vehicle breaking and deformations). I highly doubt that the performance might be slow down due to the chaos vehicle system and those complicated crushing effects. Please be patient if it happens since I will optimize it in future. Also, bugs may take place as well since the climbing system/ traffic system and vehicle systems are just developed. But I like how the game looks like right now, hope you’ll enjoy it too.

Wish you have a good weekend and I’ll try to deploy it ASAP :D



1. 新的角色。我已经购买了4组新的角色,3个女生角色,1个男生角色。根据本月剩下的时间我会尽可能多的吧他们加入到游戏中(没关系已经花了600刀了,早晚他们都得进游戏!!!),然后男生角色就是男主了,你们很快会看到的。

2. 攀爬系统,如果你们看过之前的情报应该不陌生了。攀爬系统本月会上线,然后可以在女生身上爬爬爬了。(碰撞没有想象那么好,但是能玩就行了XDD)

3. 新的车辆碰撞,破坏系统即将上线!这个系统大概是目前gts游戏中效果最好的了?但是也会是最卡的XDDD,包含蒙皮的损伤、物理碰撞变形、和燃烧爆炸效果。这个需要优化,先凑合玩。


1. 车辆驾驶系统,地图上的chaos车辆全部都可以驾驶,但是需要写一下代码。我后面会完善的。之后也可以开在车里被踩碎XD

2. Houdini特效,这个有待测试,如果能完成的话就可以做出更棒的房屋破碎和地面破碎效果

3. 完善游戏音效……现在音效实在是太难听了

4. 技能树。以后gts可以选择装备不同的技能,这样我多做的那些动画就不会浪费了

5. 第二关剧情。抱歉最近的剧情推进有点慢,但是没关系最近的系统都做好了,铺剧情应该会快一些了!

本月的更新会加入大量的新系统,比如攀爬系统、车辆驾驶系统(重做)、车辆破坏系统等。我估计这次的更新会影响游戏的帧数,但是本月立刻优化好估计不太现实…… 所以大家先玩着!后面我会努力优化的!然后也许也会有一些未知的bug出现,也请大家稍安勿躁。总之我自己在编译器里体验的感觉很棒,所以我打算还是先分享了,后面慢慢修复!




很期待接下來的內容哩! 😻