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Thank you all for supporting me!

After getting familiar with Blender, I successfully made the schoolgirl into barefoot XDDDD (Although it seems just a simple task by removing the socks and shoes. In fact I combine the body parts together and remake the whole meshes XDDDD) 

I also sort of realized a climbing system for the new gamemode (it needs some extra works I guess, but it's functioning). Soon you will be able to play as a tiny and climb onto giantess's body enjoying the views from there ;D

This is just a spolier for what will happen in level 2 :D Stay tuned.

Have a good weekend!









The climbing looks quite decent imo, this opens up new possibilities I see a vs gamemode where we fight and climb around the giantesse's. Good work dude!

Will Ji

I’m trying to realize it haha. Hopefully you’ll see it in level 2


looks great. But the Sandbox gts game had this issue with climbing where a lot of the models had improper collision meshes so when you climb you go through their bodies. I don't know if you have the same issue, if you do it can be fixed with a higher Resolution mesh and some manual tweaking for each character.