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Hi all! the link above is a demo of the Voiceover. I found two Chinese girls to do the voices for this game. I know most of you don't understand Chinese however I feel like sometimes it feels better in giantess topic to listen to some unfamiliar language XDDD It can provide you better imaginary XDDD 

Let me know what do you feel about the voices!

Moreover,  the RPG mode is reaching its last stage of development (adding an end for level 1) :D I'll finish it asap and deploy it soon. Sorry for the long waiting! I really wish you'll like the game once its out :D

Best regards to you all!


抱歉rpg拖了这么久,但是相信我我从没有偷懒!!! 确实是很想把游戏做好一点再发出来,所以一直拖到了现在。。。 





I like both of em, didn't understand a word though :P It would be an interesting mechanic to change the voice volume, pitch, tone, echo, reverb etc depending on the Size. Bigger = sounding louder, more deep, etc. smaller = sounding more normal also the voices seem to be coming from inside my head and not the giantess. I think 3D audio might be better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUKao6vhbgM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dttUv6--1nA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uwbW4BV1h0


Sure thing Good work