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Hi all,

It's reaching the last few stages before I can finally launch my RPG game demo :D Currently I'm working on some simple cutscenes and animations for NPCs. I guess RPG level1 should be able to launch before next weekend (I'll try to make it asap, but I also want it to be as completed as possible) 

Aiming system is also being making right now, so soon you should be able to lock the target and crush it :D (I've got the hardest IK part done, now just need to learn how to lock on an enemy in given range and calculate the offset for the animation) Hopefully this feature will be ready before my RPG demo launched :D

Hope you'll like the new game!


离RPG模式的最终发布越来越近了!最近我在设计一些过场动画以及制作NPC的动作,大概下周末之前就可以完成level1的rpg游戏 (我会尽快完成,但是我也想尽量让发布的游戏有比较好的质量)





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