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Hi all, 

Thanks for supporting me so far :D Sorry hasn't make any posts on my progress recently since I was a little busy with my company last week. During this weekend I've get the rpg map 50% ready (since all the architectures need to bind with chaos destructions I can't generate them by automatically, so it’s a little bit slow since I literally have to place them one by one 🙃🙃🙃, also it's a foggy map, you'll know why once you play the game) :D Now there are totally 11 different types of tiny NPCs and 20+ different type of buildings to crush. Moreover all the props on road (road lamps/telephone box/bench/bus stops) are also able to be crushed XD, so it would be more fun to play around the map.

Soon it will be August's charge. Like I said, the first version of RPG demo probably would not be ready till mid August, however I'll share it through email to everyone who have supported me in July no matter if you decide to continue supporting or not :D Appreciate again for all your supportings! Wish you all have a good weekend.

感谢各位对游戏的支持!抱歉上周因为公司比较忙没有和大家更新进度,本周末我把rpg游戏的地图搞完了大约50% (因为是完全手搭的地图,有点慢,这个chaos破坏的内容没办法用houdini生成, 另外这个地图是有大雾的,具体内容玩到游戏就会理解啦~) 现在总共有11种不同的npc和20+种不同的建筑物可以破坏,路上的小装饰(车站,路灯,电话亭,椅子)也都可以被踩坏了!希望大家可以玩的开心





Hey, I sent you the 697 as a Furry Girl as a FBX model.

Will Ji

Hi, sorry was busy working on the map and hasn’t got time to check out the models. I’ll check it tmr and see how I can fit her into the game.

Will Ji

I’ve seen the email. Will check it tmr with blender. Sorry was kinda later here now :D


Thx for the update/news, keep up the good work.

Will Ji

Thanks :D hopefully I can have the aiming system/skill tree ready before launching the demo map. Then it’ll be more complete as a real game.