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Hi all! 

After struggling the matrix map for 3 days and gave up XD, I moved my focus to the old playground map and made this new version. Below are the change logs:

1. Changing the vehicle AI, now it won’t stuck and rotating like bugs

2. Adding crush growth functions

3. Adding health bar (more for the rpg mode, you won’t die in this version) Your max health will increase as you growing, crushing tinies/vehicles/tanks can restore your hp.

4. New characters/new character selection UI (C for changing characters)

5. Every characters now have sit crush animation :D (press x for sit crush)

6. Some troops are added, however they sometimes stuck in the map, will debug later

7. Adding smoke effect for building destructions (I set an upper limit for graphic rendering, so once you destroy too many buildings together it won’t appear)

8. Crushed building will leave a ruin on the floor

9. New AI giantess added (if your graphic card is not gtx 2070 or above, please don't summon more than 2 npc giantess XDDDD)

10.  New SF city map added to the game, however this is only for taking pictures now!! I haven’t edit anything to this map. It’s more like just a demo map. (I bought it with 500 dollar from the UE market, so eventually I'll get it works in my RPG game I guess)

Controls remain the same basically:

wasd for movement, 

1234 for changing views.

Z/C for menu.

P/G for photo and gallery.

E/X left/right click are for attacking.

If you want to switch between tiny/giantess still need to use M and U key. Switching characters now is simpler with the character selection panel (it will be locked in RPG mode for people to unlock XD)

Most import thing :


You may experience some bad connections/error from the google drive. That's because too many people will download it at the same time. I'll try to get some mirror download link asap.

Wish you like the new game :D

Thanks for your supporting!



1. 车辆AI进行了简单的调整,不会在原地打转了

2. 踩踏后自动变大

3. 加入了生命值系统(这个地图内无效,是为了以后RPG模式做准备的,生命值上限会随着体型增大变大,踩碎车辆/坦克会回血)

4. 角色更换UI (按C可以看到)以及几个新角色(又花了不少钱XDDD)

5. 每个角色实装坐下的动作

6. 加入了一些警察,不过没卵用,还会卡死,会尽快修复

7. 加入了烟雾效果,踩碎房屋后会有烟雾

8. 踩碎的房屋会留下痕迹

9. 新的AI gts加入(如果你的显卡不是特别给力,请务必不要加入太多npc,不然会卡爆)

10. 新的SF城市地图(这个花了不少钱在market里买的,先放进来了,后面再慢慢做破坏)。目前这个地图只能拍拍照片看看,有很多bug,以后慢慢修复
















Interesting. I have a question. Have you tried rigging the bones. Maybe you can try and do that so the furry models can work.

Will Ji

Rigging the bones may be able to get them move, however I doubt they won’t fit the current animations… then need to rebuild the entire crush animations for the new models🙃🙃🙃 I guess let me finish the rpg demo then I’ll try work on the furry models


Okay. Can I send you a couple more furry models?

Will Ji

I guess let me try get one works at least. Those models are all non rigged… which means they need to rig manually one by one 🤣🤣🤣


Okay. I can see if there’s a way to rig them for UE5 online.


I found something that could be useful, I am not sure if it will work with FBX but it’s called IM4U importer. Here’s a link to the video: https://youtu.be/D2b0yEWDNsM

Will Ji

Or if you can find some furry model in UE market/artstation UE market? those should be ready to use


I think I tried to find some in the past but no luck.

Will Ji

Yes, I tried with MMD models before, their bones are very different, even with rebindings they still looks super bad with the current animations


I made some more MMD models that I converted to FBX that you can rig after your done with the current models that you are having trouble with.


I already sent it to you via Gmail.

Lazerborn Sos

how do unlock the hidden character?



Will Ji

Hi, the schoolgirl model (barefoot) has been removed from the game since it’s sharing a different control logic and won’t compatible with the RPG mode


Anyone else having trouble accessing the google drive download?

jaja que se ponia elver galarga

what you could do is, put different levels with the new and old maps, (for example) the cave does not have any enemies, the second level would be the map of the first version, and there would be soldiers, the third level would be the town, there would be soldiers with few tanks and finally the Matrix map could have many soldiers and tanks. It's just a suggestion

Will Ji

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, just I’ve original planned a lot of systems 🙃🙃 so now all the enemy spawn and level data has been stored in one actor inside the map, it’s a little bit hard to change for now. I’ll try to get it work anyway

Will Ji

I guess it’s because too many people are downloading it right now. You can either try another time or change your browser and try few more times.

Will Ji

Please download the new version!!! 请下载最新版本的游戏,这个版本有bug