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Hi what's up guys! Hope you are all having a good weekend.

I will be on a business travelling for one week, so I may not be able to make much progress next week. (I will take my laptop with me, but I doubt won't have much time working on the game) Good news is I'll have one week off after next week, which means I can spend a whole week working on the game ;D So both RPG mode and Matrix map will get some updates I guess.

After struggling for the vehicle deformation system for such a long time, I decide to look back into the matrix world demo and trying to find out a proper solution. (I bought the insta deform plug-in last month which cost me 200 dollar and its free this month XDDDD. However that plug in didn't work at all, it will make the car looks very stupid like a piece of cloth)

After spending the whole day reading through the code I guess I had some progress now. Eventually I kind of understand how they make the car deformations, and as you can see, I've successfully crushed the car roof XDDD. I was actually planning to make a publish version before travelling, but the project is constantly crashing since I changed a lot of car deformation parameters today and didn't backup (this project is 130 GB on my drive so... I would rather just delete and make a new one lol). I guess I may have to remake the entire matrix demo after I come back next week.

By the way, the school girls(barefoot one and Nud girl) will be removed since it's using a different model controlling method and won't work in RPG mode. However I'll put the new characters into the game in next updates, they are barefoot too.

To do list for this month:

1. Get the car damage system works better in Matrix world (can be flattened)

2. Try to make the crowd crushable in Matrix world (not confident on this one, since the matrix world is way to complicated... To understand the car deformation system already killed my 5 hours XDDDDDDD)

3. Add the new characters (barefoot girl/bad police) into Matrix world and change to new character selection UI.

4. Make a crush growth mode and current size HUD (will show player height).

5. Skill slots (can mannually equip different crushing animations), this will be in the RPG mode.

6. RPG game level1 demo (may not be perfect but hopefully I can get the basic system working)

7. * I may build a VR Tiny mode for Tier 2 and above supporters. (Not confident, let me finish the above things first XDDDDDDDD)

Again thanks for supporting the game, wish you enjoy it :D

Chinese Translation:


首先交代一下本周要出差一周,周五回来,所以可能最近不会有太多更新,不过下周后会有一周休息,我会肝起来的!请各位放心 XD

为了让游戏变得真实,我一直在折腾车辆破坏系统,上个月还惨痛的购买了一个200刀的insta deform插件,然后这个月免费了。。。让我挺不爽的,而且那个垃圾插件的效果很糟糕,看起来像破布在飘荡……所以我研究了一下matrix demo里面的破碎效果。

今天大概花了一整天看代码,大概是看明白了底层逻辑,原理大概是用的IK来控制每一个部分的变形。我试了试,大概可以让车子变扁了(见图)…… (但是被我搞出bug了,估计整个项目要推翻重来了)本来计划出差前发布一个新版本的,这下可能要等到回来后才能给大家更新了T。T


本月 to do list:

1. 把车辆破坏系统修复一下,争取可以工作

2.让matrix world里面的人可以被踩死(这个不确定,matrix world的代码实在是太多了,看着心累,随便一看就是3-5小时)

3. 加入新人物,和人物选择UI (在matrix world中)

4. 增加踩踏后变大的模式,然后屏幕上会显示当前身高

5. 技能栏,可以装备不同的踩踏动作。这个会在RPG游戏中体现

6. RPG 第一关demo,估计不会特别完美,但是能看到雏形。我是希望可以做成大型RPG的样子,这样以后可以有更多的RPG游戏不再局限于2D rpgmaker引擎。

7. 可能会给15刀以上的支援者发布一个VR模式,但是最近太忙了我先把前面的搞定,所以这一条不确定




Will Ji

Screenshots are from the editor-mode which may looks a little blur. New characters are also high resolutioned in real game :D



Will Ji

谢谢呀~~~ 等我回去在加班哈哈哈,最近出差了🙃🙃🙃