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Since the update rate may reduces next month, I'll publish this matrix world demo as a bonus gift for all of you who kindly supported the game, this game couldn't get developed this fast without your support. This is just a demo game made in 4 days, it may contains a lot of bugs/bad collisions/awful camera movement XDDDD. I'll make it better in future when have time. I love this map too ;D

Controls didn't change much from the previous game. Just the hidden character and tiny mode are disabled (can only change between QTYIO and number 0 now)

I also added the testing animations for Kitsune and Bunny Girl, when you choose Kitsune, pressing x will act vore animation (It needs a lot of modification in future about the tiny collision issue, however you can just try out for now), and when you playing as Bunny girl pressing x will be sit crush (I don't have time to make the stand up animation yet so it is instantly standup for now). Like I said it's a demo for fun and it's an bonus updates for this month so please don't expect everything to be perfect :D

P is still for camera mode, G is for gallery. If you want to see the photos, go to the hidden folder (Appdata) and find citysample folder. 

Suggested computer requirement would be 8GB, RTX 2070 and above, I tested with my GTX 1080 laptop, it can run... but quite laggy. (maybe also because it's a laptop)

One last thing: 


By the way, since the file is extreamly large and google drive sometimes restrictst the amount of people downloading the same link, please be patient while waiting :D. Moreover please don't sell/share this map since all the assets are from UE5 demo (matrix), I don't own the copyright of it, however feel free to share those pictures taken with this game haha.


Chinese Version:

感谢各位的支持,由于下个月开始更新会减慢(rpgmode有点复杂),所以提前更新一个Matrix World给大家作为小礼物。这个游戏的地图来自UE5官方,我并不拥有版权,所以请大家一定不要随意分享/售卖等!感谢!这个版本由于只用了4天完成,剩下的时间要搞rpg mode,所以不要抱太大希望,它的拍照模式很好玩,其它的游戏性一般。


P和G还是拍照模式和相册,拍到的照片请去appdata中的city sample查看。

推荐配置rtx2070以上,我测试过gtx 1080笔记本,跑起来略吃力。


Google Drive有时会限制同时下载人数,所以如果打不开也不要紧,过段时间就会好,我最近也研究一下看看能不能分个流。




Will Ji

Any one has suggestion on a better online drives? Seems google drive always ban the download link T.T


MEGA! use it to post stuff that Drive normally bans xD!

Will Ji

Ya, I’ve considered Mega, the issue is it only allows like 1tb data transfer per month? Need to check later


Oh! is that I use it for video, and the game is much bigger :/

Will Ji

ya…. Plus Mega has restriction on download speed as well. Either pay or slow download🙃🙃🙃


I use Mediafire a ton and I've never had any problems with it! I have 300+ people downloading a bunch of stuff every month with no issues


This looks awesome! Downloading now. I'm curious, though, have you looked into destruction sims for the buildings/streets at all? Probably tough to set up but it seems like there's a lot of potential there!

Will Ji

The building destruction system aka chaos system in UE5 is awesome, you can check the previous version of the game (giantess playground). However, due to the architectures in matrix world is way too big for generating chaos particles…. This map is currently impossible to do the building destructions. In the future RPG mode I’ll try to implement the chaos system and get a better result hopefully



Will Ji

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1a7fJMx301DnFJbaBILzAfQ 提取码:f282


I am not certain if it will match 100% your needs, but when it comes to indie games, itch.io is the plateform for sharing builds :)

Will Ji

ya, I've been thinking of the itch.io too I'll check if I am eligible to use it or not later XDDD

efreitor Sroul

I could really launch it. It kind of starts for a bit, but its all white , there are no buildings and crushes after a few seconds. I have a 16 Giga RAM and 4 giga Radeon, but I run Windows 7.. maybe thats the problem-

Will Ji

Emm, what’s your graphic card? Try to update to the latest driver should fix the problem

Will Ji

I guess, updating to latest driver and make sure you have dx12 installed. Should be able to work

Will Ji

🤣🤣🤣true. However it’s free to update to win 11 I remember? Guess dx12 worth for the updating