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Hello everyone, first of all thanks for following this page.  A new character will be added to the game soon, and the clothe changing system is also under development (soon you'll be able to customize the characters I think, but to import new models like mods is still quite hard for me now)

(school girl model)

(can remove the cloth of the current models too)

However, I feel like the sandbox game is very limited enjoyable (Like I can add more characters, get a larger map, but that's pretty much all).  I'm wondering if you can give me some suggestions on what to focus next. 

1. Focus on implementing the current game (adding more characters/tiny person effects, finding more animation of the giantess and maybe add a camera mode for pausing the game and take some pictures)

2. Shifting this current system into the matrix world (pretty much the same game, but in the matrix world map, and maybe have to remove the building destructions since those buildings are too big for computer to rendering realtime)

3. Make this into a fps, like you can play as tinies or giantess. Tinies will have tanks/weapons to shoot the giantess, and giantess need to stomp them all before they put you down? Each level you can make some upgrade like become larger or something?

4. I'm thinking of making it into a RPG game, but this need someone help me with the storyboard XDDDD

5. If you have any other suggestions please send me a message!



Can you crush a female giant's ass to death?

Will Ji

Ah? Do you mean like a butt crush animation? There’ll be such animations coming soon