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Sharing my Shuten Douji Caster video with you all! ✨

This is one of the videos from last year's Shuten Douji photoshoot for FGO. I’ve been super busy with work and finally got it done!!

The full video is 2:07 and has been added to both the shop files and Google Drive. If you’ve purchased it, don’t forget to re-download!

I’ll be sharing lots of videos with you all soon. Hope you enjoy them, love you! 💋

這是去年的寫真 《 FGO-酒吞童子 》 的影片之一,因為工作一直沒時間完成,現在終於完成了!!
完整影片2:07,已經加入SHOP及Google Drive的檔案中,有購買的人記得去重新下載!!