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Those that have been following my Discord know that I will be shipping the optional modpack for studio seperately going forward, not bundling it with the main pack.

This is primarily due to the sheer logistics of reuploading this whole thing every single time I do an update... not optimal >P

Going forward I'll instead do periodical snapshots and release them separately, so that it's easier to get proper turnaround on the main packs :)

Hopefully this causes less confusion for new users as well, as plenty are quite scared seeing my packs reaching 200+GB >.<

Main pack update coming soon, so stay tuned. Some trouble uploading to the US has been causing major headaches this time around >P

Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224
Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/



cries in 350GB 😿


Yeeeee... This is rapidly growing quite a bit 😅 Quite a challenge to have 4 copies simultaneously to release these 🤪