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Hello there, good peeps.

Usually when the year draws to an end, I tend to make a holidays post, usually in time for xmas, but in this I have failed this year, but then again it has been a slightly unusual December, one with a lot of traveling and all that interesting stuffs for me.

20-28 hour travels, depending on how you count it, is no joke as it turns out >.<

Well then, let's try to do one anyways, despite the hour growing late, and most celebration being truly done and dusted for most of you.

the past few years have been coloured heavily by covid restrictions, uncertainties and all around unpleasantness, though with a hope of better times, and as far as covid is concerned, most of us are now back to an approximation of pre-2020 life, though most of us probably have a healthy storage of face masks and hand sanitizers laying around still... just in case.

I will not dwell on it, due to the sensitivity of the matter, but this year, besides best wishes going out to everyone in all parts of the world, there are two groupings I'd like to wish 'extra' best wishes upon, namely the population of Ukraine, unjustly thrown into the fires of war, as well as those objecting on the hostile side, be that by protest, refusal to fight or just hushed whispers. 

As I in past years have wished well upon those struggling during covid, I also wish to give a virtual pat on the back of those struggling the aftermath. A lot has changed since March 2020, and the aftereffects will linger. It's fully natural to feel out of place as things stand now, maybe you've barely seen another human being for years, or you feel that time has passed you by that may be unrecoverable, it's fully natural. If that describes you, I do hope you find someone to talk to, and do not allow anyone to belittle what you're feeling. Take your time to process it and move past it at your own phase.

Now, usually I'd wish you all a happy holidays with celebration and all, but a bit past that point this time, so let's instead hope that you all had an enjoyable holiday celebration, no matter how you celebrated it this year, just used the time to sleep in a bit extra or was one of those that needed to work. No matter how it went down, I do hope there was enjoyment in it, something to make it that little bit special for you.

We're now drawing towards new years, so do party reasonably for that occasion o(^_^)o

in on-topic news, I still need a day or two to get back on my feet, and I'll get right on RG, and some other things I have planned. 21 is on a slightly pushed along vacation, so support will be lackluster at best here now until mid january (do visit the discord servers for the games and their help channels, the people there are awesome, and quite often teach me a thing or two), but I'll try to poke through some DMs here and there when I get time to spare, or just need a slight break from packing.

In conclusion, Thank you all for the year gone by, despite the world being as the world is, I hope the year passed has treated you all as best can be expected.

Happy new year!



best wishes for 2023 man


I love you so much. Thanks for your time serving the world.