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Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224
Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public

BR-Host: https://dl.betterrepack.com/BetterRepackUpdate/




Awesome work! I subscribed to your Patron today to support your endeavors. Can you please tell me if this works with the Steam version? I’m currently running the HS2 Skull and Bones patch.


Glad to hear you like it 😌 If you got SB1 you can install SB2, and that should get you sorted 😊 going forward with R9.1/R10 etc, you can update as with normal packs. Just didn't prioritize testing the updater for the steam version this time since SB2 were released at the same time. Should work, but not tested


Has the full download always been 70gb+ for patreon, I swear it was less before lol.


I included some maps in the main pack by mistake that normally would be in the optional pack, thus some weirdness with sizes this time around


awesome work, this R9 has fixed a lot of issues with character selections and also translation bugs, perfect


Anyone else lost the in room menu to adjust stats of girls pre loading the H scene?


That is new to me for R9... I know it can happen with SB1 due to some language shenanigans, but first I've heard about it for R9. Can you confirm that you're running R9? and how did you install it? updating? if so, what version did you upgrade from?


Yeah just the little menu with the sliders and the "Apply" button. Yeah i am, I went from R8 and used the two exe files (R8-8.1 then R8.1 to R9)


that's strange... I'll setup a R8 build in a bit here and try to recreate... could you contact me in DM at discord? may need to ask some followup questions to troubleshoot this


ye, did setup a R8 build and updated it to R8.1 and then onto R9. I tried playing a bit in R8, as I suspect you were doing so, and updated all the way through. It worked as intended during the test. In order to troubleshoot this further, I'd need you to slide into my DMs over at discord and we can have a round of reading logs and checking files. :)

Cameron Fields

Greetings. I had question about the HS2 studio. How many dance animations are there? I only see three, I thought there would be more and how do I add more?


https://i.imgur.com/8EFeaL1.png There's several dances around here. All animation mods should be in the sideloader modpack, though this is studio, so the optional modpack.


You can use the MMD plugin to read MMD animation files as well, but that's far beyond what I'm able to help with, you may want to visit the discord for that topic


its all good! just re added the parameter mod on its own, cheers thogh


Hi! I have just bought in a quest 2, the VR is fine until when i entered a room with a girl, where all the UIs disappear. I am not able to change positions or manage clothings in the scene, may I know how to fix that> or this there a tutorial on how to use VR?


Yeeeee, Illusion could do with explaining that better. you need to press a button combination to spawn the menu, see https://wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php?title=Honey_Select_2/Technical_Help#VR for some explanation, Trigger+B was the combo for Oculus I believe.