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Another year has come and gone, and as I've had some words to share at the tail end of the past two years, might as well make this a tradition, eh?

Last year a certain pandemic took much of the spotlight, and that has again caused something of a stir, and thanks to another new variant, a lot of us, myself included, will be spending xmas alone... or over VoIP I guess.

To start with I wish to ask that everyone take care of each other this holiday season. If you know someone that's feeling lonely, reach out, talk with them and help them as best you can, and if you're one of the lucky ones with company this holiday season, do offer a thought to those not so lucky.

If you're in this situation, do take care of yourself, these times are hard, but press through and look forward to such a time that we may be able to move past this mess. My feelings go out to you all, and I hope that, despite the situation, that you're all able to find some enjoyment during this season.

And with that out of the way, let me congratulate everyone reading this with another year of the pandemic out of the way. Again, it has been a hard year, and each and everyone of you deserve to pat yourself on the back for making it through.

Now then... A merry xmas/happy holidays (happy <insert holiday for your culture here>) and I wish each and everyone of you a lovely new year when the time comes!

Will likely return with new years musings as the time approaches, discussing what went down this year, and what I expect from the next, but for now...

ScrewThisNoise, signing off for 2021 (~-.-)~



Happy holidays to you too!


You should pat yourself on the back mate, you deserve to think of the year as an accomplishment more than most of us. Happy christmas to you too, and a better New Year. Fingers crossed.


Happy new year too


Merry Christmas


I wish you all a merry Christmas and happy holidays


happy holidays !!