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Good day all.

The past month have really been something, eh? Had the HS2 R11 and AIS R6 mess, KK migration, EC was migrated to Museum, KKS was... is... a thing... and a Museum release just to spice it up a bit, as though it wasn't exciting enough.

Well, year is still young, let's keep the tempo going!

Now, let's put all that behind us, and look forward:

Either during November, or early December, things will heat up in my schedule. Unfortunately, the heating will happen behind the scenes and not be visible for the public till at least January, and that is taken no further speed bumps.

Basically a lot of paperwork needs to be processed in relation to Project Railgun, and can't have stuff being remote due to the pandemic, I need to be physically present by law, so that means international travel \o/ (read: god, please no, god mercy)

This travel is non-avoidable though. I have been expecting it since July, but have been holding out due to the pandemic (that is very much still going strong).

This means that for periods of time I will just straight up be unreachable, and I can do little to nothing to mitigate that. I will still use the time available to me to do updates and all that good stuff, but you're gonna need a hefty dose of luck to reach me via DMs or anything for periods the next month and a half.

Project Railgun is absolutely essential for this all to continue forward though, so it will have to be done, and have been postponed as far as it can at this point, so here we go ~.~



Good luck with everything mate :)


Fair enough, just let us know you're still alive and periodic updates on what's going on. Be safe!