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Use the Start Game shortcut to launch game (Or the Heinous Pranks shortcut on the desktop).

This game has loads of issues if not run under Japanese locale, said shortcut utilizes

a locale emulator to make sure you use the correct locale.




Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224
Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public



Alan B.

A bit unusual it being an executable instead of an archive I could view with 7-zip or similar. Should I be suspicious?


Well, that's up to you. This game needs a registry setting, a file in appdata and can't be run on any other locale than Japanese. In short, the only way to fully setup it for those downloading it is making a installer. Get used to that for really old games with annoying requirements. On the plus side, I included a uninstaller that wipes everything it installs if you want to remove it later. And as another bonus, I could add in several full game configurations with no real data addition in the install file


I tried playing it but my antivirus software detected it as a trojan virus? should i be concered by this? It also flagged some issues with the registry values.


No, it should be fine. Thing with these older japanese games is that some antiviruses just really don't trust them, like at all. It's kinda warranted here even, as the main exe, GOKUAKU.exe, actually contains a real annoying DRM, one that restarts the computer if you're running without japanese locale. Some whole engines are marked as suspicious by several antiviruses even -.-' To prevent people from doing that by mistake, it will get removed if you install any of the options with english translation, instead using a modified version with the DRM removed.


Thanks for letting me know. I do trust you to not have viruses in your downloads but I do tend to be a bit paranoid about potential viruses.


Don't worry, I'm not offended. That's the smart move, stay on your toes and stay safe :)


I'm trying to run the english one but all the text looks like a bunch of gibberish like "Q-g----------@" and the characters look like shadows..


Actually looks like the language emulator is crashing, it's creating a bunch of windows crash dump files


Yes, that might be right... it's very finnicky after all. Did you use the shortcut the installer makes? it sounds more like you ran it without the language emulator active...