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As normal, update is available in the KKManager application or the launcher update function.

If you can't connect to the server, you may have a outdated version of KKManager, you can get the newest HERE.

If you're pledging at the $5 level or above, you also have access to download these using the patreon only download locations, read more about that HERE.

Changelog can be found at BetterPaste!


Lewd Dewd

Nice, thanks for the update bro.


Thanks for the update. Btw the darksoider maps are the older versions, grabbed the newer ones from the discord, but KKmanger keeps wanting to downgrade them.


Hello new here. Do i need to get the previous roll out to get everything or just the most recent one?

Ni Deshmane

Hi there, do I need to do anything to get the mods to work, like move them to mymods folder? Also, some of the character cards are missing for the zipmods. I couldn't see them in the zipmod. I was able to pull them from the creator pages, but am I missing a step?


Cards are still not tested fully, so they're still in Bleeding Edge. Trying to deal with the whole "server is far too slow thing" now, but gonna get it tested soonish and added to the downloader