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  • Applied official update honey2_01_plus_0703z2VW_sub
  • Applied AI Shoujo Steam card downloading
  • Updated BepInEx to v5.2
  • Updated HS2_TextResourceRedirector to v1.4
  • Updated 0x4d’s dnSpy to v6.1.5
  • Updated 2155X’s HS2_BetterHScenes to v2.5.1
  • Updated 2155X’s HS2_UnlockPlayerHClothes to v1.4.1
  • Updated 2155X’s HS2_UnlockPlayerHeight tov1.4.3
  • Updated FairBear’s HS2_POVx to v1.1.1
  • Updated Joan6694’s MoreAccessories to v1.2.2
  • Updated Marco’s HS2_ClothColliders to v1.0.1
  • Updated Marco’s HS2API to v1.12.4
  • Updated Mikke’s GravureHS2 to 20200706
  • Added 2155X’s HS2_HCharaSwitcher v1.0.0
  • Added HS2_Fix_GravityAdjust (IllusionFixes)
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_StudioImageEmbed v1.0
  • Added GeBo’s HS2_GeBoCommon v1.0
  • Added GeBo’s HS2_StudioMultiselectChara v0.9.1
  • Added GeBo’s HS2_StudioSceneNavigation v0.8.6
  • Added GeBo’s HS2_TranslationCacheCleaner v0.5.2
  • Added GeBo’s HS2_TranslationHelper v0.9.1
  • Added Joan6694’s HS2PE v2.12.0
  • Added Joan6694’s HS2US v1.9.0
  • Added KKY’s AIHS2_StudioCharaSort v1.0.0
  • Added Mikke’s Straight 2 Maker v1.0
  • Added Keitaro’s VNGE v17.7 as optional
  • Added Unknown’s HS2_GifPlane as optional
  • Added Unknown’s HS2_VMDPlay v0.1.6 as optional

Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224
Links: https://ai-syoujyo.com/public 

BR-Host:  https://ai-shoujo.com/download/update/  




And they still don't want to publish VR. Just say you want to make it publicly available bug?


They still haven't released it, I'm checking daily, so whenever they do, I won't be far behind


are there any big changes or stuff added ? compared to version 3


This is more a quality of life update, thus the .1 version... it's neat and adds functionality, especially if you use studio, but it's not essential


how do you make the Gravure animations to work? I can't figure it out. thank you.


Hi I was updating one mod then the error Failed to Load Mono showed up. May I know what is causing the error?


Hard to say, you'd do best to make sure the game is closed and running the updater again, might be it failed to write a file 🤔


I have version 3.1 now and just got the latest updates for VR, but I am wondering does this VR also work with Studio NEO V2 at all? I can't get it to open in VR and the M key does nothing. Is there some other way or is my setup broken? ps. I wanted to ask this on Discord but for some reason I don't see any of the discussion sections in the BetterRepack discord now... there is none I can actually ask a question in - all I see is Releases and FAQs... where are the discussion ones gone?


is this the full game or mod?


Is anyone else having issues with corrupt files? Extracting it with WinRAR and keeping it simple in a folder like Drive H --> Honey Select 2 and I end up with corrupt files ranging from maps, chara, gamedata, mods, etc. Its like 751+ errors. Ran a disk check, defrag check... still cant seem to find out why it keeps saying the files are corrupt. Any help would be great! Thanks in advance! :D


Yes im getting corrupt file as well, I am using 7Zip