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First off, A lot of you have helped get the daily cost of Amazon down the past few days, to you I give a thousand thanks.

Secondly, those of you sharing the patreon only links elsewhere... Yes, I know... And please don't... I'm already at $2k for amazon this month, take a peek at the calendar and the patreon pledge number, if I keep AWS going I'm going to have to take out credit personally to keep the show going. At this point I either have to look elsewhere or put it in a higher tier.

I REALLY don't want to put it in a higher tier for a multitude of reasons, chief amongst them being that I don't want to force people to pay more to get access to it, so that leaves looking elsewhere.

Introducing BackBlaze.

All patreon only downloads have been setup with BackBlaze now, a far cheaper alternative than AWS/gCloud/Azure, while still being well regarded, so hoping this will take operative costs to a sustainable level without restricting any more than it already is.

All AWS download links are invalidated now, but the files are still there, so if this fails I can transition back easily.

I view this as a trial at this point, let's see how it goes. 

PLEASE don't share the link elsewhere, as I'll be forced to take it down or close up shop if it keeps getting a shitton of grabs from all over the place.

It may seem as though I'm making a good deal here, but I'm spending a lot on operations, especially the past month, and I really can't afford to let this go into the red repeatedly.

I'm still eying options, but I don't dare invest into stuff like servers for the sideloader modpack or stuff like that with how the AWS stuff keeps exploding.

Those of you downloading from the new link, do share your experiences here so that I know how your experience is.



elle marr

do what you gotta do man. and to those sharing the links, stop being fucking dumb. there is a direct correlation between downloads and accessibility he's been fully transparent about, so quit it before you mess around and have to go back to torrenting.


when will u release HONEY SELECT r2? sorry, this question is out of topic.


New Patron, but I'm sorry your links are getting leaked man. Its even worse that you have to actually pay for the people leaking them. You release such good stuff for free, so don't take advantage!

Gábor Kapitány

New patron as well. Thx for your effort, keep up the good work! Regarding links, if someone want to share, share the torrent instead. I am seeding it 12/7. If storage and network cost gets out of hand on AWS or this new BackBlaze, just do only torrent. I think most of us are fine with that.


Hey, why don't you just set up a system that generates a single-use download link to Patrons that is machine and\or address specific and can only be used once - That way it cannot be shared. The Patron can then re-generate new links as needed for one-time use as often as he wants.


I would tend to agree that some sort of system needs to be in place. The type of people who were willing to screw you the first time aren't likely to have a change of heart. Hope I'm wrong.

Frank Leo

Can I have the new link please?


I only torrent. Actually prefer it that way. Sorry to hear others are taking advantage of your kindess.


it's in the patreon only download area... it's still marked amazon since I haven't gotten around to make a logo for BackBlaze downloads yet, but it'll be changed as time allows


R5 is getting prepped, HS2 currently has priority due to early life support, but it'll come


If you use BackBlaze, don't forget to wrap your files behind Cloudflare. Because "B2 to Cloudflare transfer - Free" and "Cloudflare CDN services - Free (Paid plans available for advanced features)".


"If your monthly downloads (egress) are greater than your active storage volume, then your storage use case is not a good fit for Wasabi’s free egress policy." The Wasabi’s free egress policy is limited. In this use case, the egress is must much greater than the storage.


Download speed in the UK was blisteringly fast, so a glowing report from me. Sucks hard that you've got issues with leaked passwords given that you're already doing the world a favour.... perhaps a more secure method would be possible, linking back to Patreon account log in as I've seen done elsewhere? Anyway, my thanks again for an incredible and smooth experience. Stay safe and happy.


I don't think anyone meant harm, it's just easy to feel like a download is cheap since it just kinda works for the end user, so it seems like it's just magically OK if you've never dealt with the business end of offering downloads. First time I saw a AWS bill I were taken aback myself, so I know. That's why I've aired on the side of transparency instead of just losing my mind and adding restrictions all over the place :)


You just have to change the Patreon link to the download server often. I think the Leaken people do that over and over again. Because they don't care what is with you. Unfortunately, not all of us can use torrents. So I hope there will be a way to stop it. What comes to mind. You can use googledrive. The user himself has to have enough memory. In an emergency, you have to upgrade your google drive yourself.