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Some people have been expressing dismay at my lack of response during this period. If you're dismayed at it and wish for a refund on your pledge for this month, feel free to contact me (either through Patreon message or Discord) and I'll issue the refund as long as you've pledged before today... (don't really know how this refund thing works, but think I can issue it no problem.)

If you pledge to use the download service though, I would ask that you don't request a refund as that costs to keep running, but I won't delve into the reasoning for anyone wishing to withdraw their pledge due to my inactivity.

Do keep in mind that I have a fever and am drifting in and out of consciousness all the time, so may take some time for me to realize that you've requested the refund.

I will try to issue all refunds for anyone pledging prior to today as a matter of course for a few days, so please send them with haste if you wish to get a refund. I will have to reset the download site pass at some point if too many people request it.

To all of you wishing me well: A heartfelt thanks to you all, I really appreciate it <3


As I said earlier in my discord, I have been out traveling lately for some health related treatment, but as luck would have it, I got a little souvenir home and now find myself in a home quarantine with a burning throat, stiff joints, periodical headaches and a runny nose. I am still working though (Even though the doctor tells me to do otherwise), and I will do my utmost to get everything in order for the AIS Steam release.

I'm really sorry that I've been unable to reach the milestones I'd have hoped to reach by now, but please do understand that I'm unable to work for long periods of time as the situation is kinda... unique. :'(

I will be working on, especially, the sideloader modpack to get that up to date, but I fear making promises on its progress. PlayHome R2.1 is a bit on the backburner till the AIS steam release has been taken care of.



Oh shit, hope that it’s not too serious man, good luck


Don't push yourself! There's only one "you", we can wait what it takes. Get well


Get better!


Or rather, try to get better and take it easy


Hey man, I really appreciate your work and enjoying your repacks very much, and it is sad to hear that you are sick. Please take care of yourself first and worry about other things later and hope you get well soon.


take your time were in no rush health comes first but also get well soon

Jessie West

Yeah focus on your health, id rather wait for you to get better then get a pack then die trying 🙏


Take it easy and get well soon friend


hope you will be better, health is most important


Get well soon 🙂


Take time don't push yourself. Get well soon.


Don't stress out about us. 98% of us have patience. Take care.


Certainly hope its 98%... it horrifies me to think anyone would begrudge paying so little for someones hard work. You take it easy STN, getting better should be your only milestone right now. Best wishes to you, hope at least they gave you some fun medication.


Don't stress yourself and remember to stay hydrated~!


I rely hope you get better soon, this world is nuts right now.


Get well!

Michael Volcker

No worries. Just focus on getting better.


Feel better, and you are awesome (even if soem fail to see that), see this post right here is why I like to support you :) ,your health is most important! I just recovered from a bad cold as well.


FFS... whomever has made this post necessary to post. Please do the right thing, and consider throwing yourself headfirst into a wall a few times until its apparent why this bizarre request is being asked of you.. &lt;_&lt; The fact of the matter is, the guy dedicates a TON of his time into these repacks, and releases them to the general public, with no real expectation of compensation. Those who pledge and have made donations, do so of their own volition and I'm sure it's much appreciated in turn, allowing for further incentive to produce further spoils to the public and there is additional recompenses for those who do give proper thanks through donation.. but if the guy finds himself catching a bad bug, and becomes bedridden. Does that immediately give reason to forsake his many previous contributions to the community thus far, and thus disqualify him as worthy for your gratitude and patronage? That's a pretty self-serving and narrow-minded kind of gratitude if so. He really shouldn't have to offer refunds of donations to begin with, especially because the guy happened to get physically ill. If you're among those who believe otherwise, or you still feel irrationally cheated of money that you donated, then start by blame your parents for raising you improperly,. not guilt-raping the poor flu infected guy giving up his free time to add net value to your quality of life. How ridiculously irrational. Humans...&lt;_&lt; On a lighter note, Hope ya start feeling in top form again soon Buddy. Thanks again for your efforts.