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1. This pack requires purchasing or otherwise acquiring HoneySelect Party (The Japanese variant) and updating it to the newest version. As earlier stated, I am unable to release a full repack for this game.

1.1. Do NOT purchase HoneySelect Unlimited for use with this pack (The fakku release) it's only tested with the Japanese version of the game, and will probably not work as intended on Unlimited.

2. This pack includes no clothing or studio item mods, I will work on that going forward.

3. This pack is BepInEx based, so the same as my Koikatsu, EmotionCreators and AI-Shoujo pack, you do not need to run any IPA or WideSlider patching or anything of the sort, just extract onto a existing HS install and you should be good to go. 

4. BepInEx only runs with x64 executables, if you want to use x86/32bit, apply https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/download/v5.0.1/BepInEx_x86_5.0.1.0.zip to the game and overwrite files.


- Added BepInEx 5.0.1
- Added BepInEx Translations
- Added BepInEx.ConfigurationManager v15.1
- Added BepInEx.MessageCenter v1.1
- Added HS_BepisPlugins R13.0.3
- Added IllusionFixes v1.8
- Added IPALoaderX v1.2.1
- Added XUnity.AutoTranslator v4.8.0
- Added Ggmod1.6.1_NEO
- Added AdditionalBoneModifier_0.7.4
- Added hMoreSlotID and HS_ResolveMoreSlotID_v1.4b
- Added SBX2.5e Uncensor
- Added HS_Male_Uncensor_From_PlayClub v4.1
- Added HSStudioAddon v1.1.0
- Added HSStudioNEOAddon v0.9.2
- Added SkinTexMod v2.3a
- Added AdjustMod v2.2a
- Added HSStudioInvisible v4.2
- Added PlayShot
- Added Custom FK Poses Package
- Added BonesFramework 1.2.1
- Added CMModForHSNeo R v0.1
- Added CMModForHS R v0.1
- Added HS_ShortcutPlugin v1.7
- Added HS_MenuMod v1.1
- Added Joan6694's HSExtSave 1.0.1
- Added Joan6694's CameraEditor v1.0
- Added Joan6694's FogEditor 1.2.1
- Added Joan6694's HSMoreAccessories v1.3.1
- Added Joan6694's HSPE v2.10.1
- Added Joan6694's HSUS v1.8.0
- Added Joan6694's LightingEditor 1.1.0
- Added Joan6694's LRE4 AAIO
- Added Joan6694's NodesConstraints 1.0.1
- Added Joan6694's RendererEditor 1.5.0
- Added Joan6694's VideoExport 1.1.0

To the HS brethren: Welcome to BepInEx!

Download (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pEbAWqZlfKO8_h_RpuXwy3Kanh1B3Mbk/view?usp=sharing 

Download (BRHost): https://ai-shoujo.com/download/[ScrewThisNoise]%20HoneySelect%20R0.5.7z

Patreon Ony download is live as well

CRC32: 8435F193
MD5: E59A85C96F379BDA6A0BE0BF82EA64E3
SHA-1: B2C10DDDDC61DCEA5CE798327F20CF8692D5CA64




IPA mods works with BepInEx??? grettings!.


I can't share a full repack unfortunately 😔


Can't download on Gdrive because too many people have downloaded it and BRhost is unwelcome in my country. How do I download from the Patreon only download?


You don't seem to be of the patreon download tier, have you tried copying the file to your gdrive, create a copy of it and then try to download the copy?

Dylan Hammond

this is a full release right? i can use this as a standalone like the koikatsu better repack?


Yes, but there are some caveats: 1. I am blocked from including the base game with my pack due to movements by the rightsholder, so this requires the base game to be present. 2. It's only plugins, not really added clothibg and studio items yet.


Hey buddy, I can't seem to download this. =[ BR option says can't locate IP and the Gdrive one says there are too many people downloading. Just a heads up. Thanks for the content!


sorry Srew, but i will restore my version of HS modpack have break my pack. (The rendering is horrifying, when you do roll eyes there all eye nerve in red, which makes the model awful. If you work on generous shapes, the settings, becomes broken. The large chest goes to the back now. The slider if limit is increased, with this mod pack it is half taken into account, Example: If your slider allows you to go to 500, here it will block you at 100, the means of increasing it and choosing its value in games of 100-500, however if you put 200 and touch up the slider it will automatically go back to 100. This makes complex personalization complicated Sorry Screw but i'm gonna wait for your full. And doing on new folder this time :x Thank you even for posting it, it can interest people, but those with more mod should think about it before. Thank you as well, I hope to see the full to see the rendering!


The wideslider can be edited in the plugin menu in settings, it's set to -100 to 200 by default, but it can be extended to -500 to 500 I believe so that can be improved, but experience from other packs say that -100 to 200 is good defaults for most users.


I generally use 1000 on slider cause i use jap mod like pregnant .. and lots of other mod haha. But thank you for the info it's good to have that the slider and alternable, however the nerves (don't like it: x)


I can't find it, even on the web.


Oh, sorry, I didn't see this till now. are you aware of the trick to download a "overdownloaded" file from google? Read this for instructions: https://www.ghacks.net/2017/04/14/fix-google-drive-sorry-you-cant-view-or-download-this-file-error/ This should hopefully allow you to download it even if it's under limit

Kaiser Wongze

Is there a link for the Patreon download?


I'll stick with this repack, even if it's not your priority xD It works great, I heavely modded the game with it and I just see two problems : - Wideslider is bugged : if thorax width have a negative value, breasts goes behind the back of the girl (I don't have this issues with origine game or other stuff, but no big deal, I just set it to 0 in this case) - Stuff like LRE are not fully installed for me since the repack don't goes with the skin etc... Anyway great work, I hope it will get updated some day with extra content


You make the greatest Packs. Thumb up for you and your work. Unfortunately google drive doesn't work and the link to BRHost contains a lot of %20 signs and does also not work. Can you upload it somewhere again? May be a torrent or something like this?


Hi there the slider is stuc kat 120 ish and wont go more. is there a way to fix this ? I tried the .cfg file but it wont work. thank you


there are some problems with the wideslider plugin... I'm looking into addressing it, but time has been tight lately


Hi thank you. I installed the wide slider dll and it fixed it somehow . :D


I have a base game downloaded (not payd) its Honey Select Party, can i download this and combine it with the HS i have?


Will this work with the fanza version?

Jesse Burson

I've installed the jap version of HS then install 1.20 version of party. If I install the repack, VR doesn't work except in studio