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- Applied official update <aisyoujyo_02_plus_1108mhg_all>
- Updated sideloader modpack
- Updated Vanilify script to properly remove translations
- Made Horse's ScriptLoader preapplied (scripts are still optional)
- Added more ScriptLoader scripts to optional
- Added HideAllUI v1.1.0
- Added 2155X's AI_UnlockPlayerHClothes v1.2.0
- Added DeathWeasel's AI_AnimationOverdrive v1.1
- Added Hooh's Heelz v1.0.1
- Added Keelhauled's DragAndDrop v1.1.0
- Added Joan6694's MoreAccessories v1.1.1
- Added updated 100% save
- Updated IllusionFixes to v1.6.1
- Updated BepInEx to Build 166
- Updated BepInEx.ConfigurationManager to v15
- Updated BepisPlugins to R12.4
- Updated 2155X's AI_UnlockPlayerHeight to v1.2.1
- Updated DeathWeasel's InvisibleBody to v1.3.2
- Updated DeathWeasel's UncensorSelector to v3.9
- Updated Keelhauled's Draganddrop to v1.1.1
- Updated Horse's ScriptLoader to v1.1.0.0
- Updated Marco's AI_OverlayMods to v5.1
- Updated Marco's AIABMX to v3.5
- Updated Marco's AIAPI to v1.9.1
- Updated Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo to v1.1
- Updated ScrewThisNoise's AI Shoujo Launcher to v1.4
- Updated Translations
- Added Cards from the following community members:
Ammon, Duriel, Fakeuser002, jus_ko2019, Spektro_Samsa
Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29049433
Anime-Sharing: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-games-38/english-%5Billusion%5D-ai-shoujo-ai-girl-%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%89%2A%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3-betterrepack-r2-886411 
f95zone: https://f95zone.to/threads/illusion-ai-girl-ai-discussion-thread.34853/post-2628150 
Nyaa:  https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2847929 
Updater from 1.2: https://mega.nz/#F!CbBUDKwL!C9bQpDufOMLcC_-LjMzHKw




Will there be a VR option for this game coming out? Also does the Emotion Creators BetterRepack R2.4.1 have a VR option? Like KoikatsuBR R9.3 the VR works very good on that game. Thx


Hi, the plugin settings doesn't show up when pressing F1. I tried reinstalling but the problem persists


Has the uncensor problem been fixed yet? also any male uncensor?


There is no working VR for EmotionCreators. I have gotten a VR mod that I have yet to test for AI though, I plan to test that in time for the next release, and if I can get it working properly, I'll add it at that time.


The vanillify script for the translator seems to be removing ResourcesRedirector which is used by other plugins. Please have a check for that if you haven't.


If you want to disable only translation, please use the launcher to do that for now. It can disable translations non destructive in this pack. Just choose japanese and answer yes to setting your game to japanese as well. I will remove translation removal from the script in my next update as that's a destructive way to do it that doesn't play well woth the new translation plugin that several other mods now depend on


I downloaded thinking it was the base game. It was just updates. Where can I download the game?


Hello, is possible to use cheats???


Yes. Look in the optional mods folder there's a scriptloader folder. Read the readme and apply the ones you want 🙂


Thanks for your great work!


How to lower the priority of the English translation? I want to use translation in other languages. Or just disable the ENG translation.


just choose the language you want in the launcher. If the language you want isn't there, go into BepInEx/config/AutoTranslatorConfig.ini and change the Language=en to whatever language you wish to use, it'll then generate the language folder for you in the translation folder the next time you start the game.


I'm lost. Why does the Patreon link just link to an old page talking about your future patreon only link plans but not the actual link to the files any more? Where's the actual Patreon download link?


Ups, wrong link, here ya go: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29049433 I'll fix the post shortly. Sorry about that


How to solve the problem of wearing high heels, the toes deep in the floor?


that's a bug with the heelz mod, a fix is available and it will be included in my next pack


Hi ScrewThisNoise, would you consider doing a re-upload your repack of Play Home? The only repack of PH available seems to be a Flashbangz repack of your repack.


The torrent should be available still, the gdrive should be available and the patreon only download should be fine... Where are you missing it? I'll re-upload it if it has gone missing anywhere 🙂


I'm noticing a strange problem with just Studio where the draw distance is very short compared to the actual game. For example, I downloaded some large scenes and loaded them up and they didn't look anything like the screenshot. Namely, objects just a few meters from the camera and further are simply not drawn, it's just black, and this changes with the motion of the camera. I understand that not drawing distant objects is a standard LoD function, but with R2 it seems extremely short. I have a fairly high end machine (older i7, 24 Gb Ram, SSD), so it doesn't make sense, and I seem to recall it working better with the previous version. Any ideas what's going on? (Edit: actually the main game draw distance seems shorter too).


Have you applied optional scriptloader mods? One of them restricts draw distance to help on performance woth lower end computers