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Quick heads up as BepInEx 5 has dropped.

I already have a build ready to go for Koikatsu, and am preparing a build for Koikatsu Party and Emotion Creators based on the BepInEx5 framework. I am waiting for a few plugins to get updates for BepInEx 5 compatibility though prior to releasing anything though.

Due to compression of game files performed NONE of these packs will get an updater this time. These are basically whole new packs, all game files will be affected in one way or another, so a updater is redundant as everything will have to be patched in that case.

I'll also be restarting the release count for Koikatsu for the occasion, so there will be no R10, the next release will be numbered RX1.

As soon as the mods I'm waiting for is released I'll start my testing on all these three packs and seal&release them pronto after that, and I have a vague hope that I'll be able to do so prior to the AI-Shoujo release this Friday, though it's hard to guarantee that as it's dependent on third parties. 




Do you plan on making a Repack for AI-Shoujo’s launch?


Yes, subject to my preorder being delivered as planned, I should have a very early pack out day-1


Hi! I'm sorry for my bad English, but I just wanted to congratulate you on the great work you've been doing. I made a post on my Patreon with your download links, but I was careful to redirect directly to your Anime-Sharing thread and your Patreon page, instead of copy directly the link... I hope you don't mind... Best regards and keep up!