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Virtua Fighter 5 was recently remade with Dragon Engine that also used in recent Yakuza games. And indeed its file structure is very similar to Yakuza games, they even blatantly reused some textures from those games. The models at a glance built the same way so I thought it will be as easy as porting Yakuza models. But then I found some weird things like weight error that I have to fix myself. Anyway I managed to find method for model to have thicker and more accurate neck using ABMX. But if you don't like it then I provide norma neck version too. Dog tag necklace accessory and Next-Gen Shader optional pack also included.


*Made and tested with DX version, if you're non-DX user and have problem loading the card, then please update your game to DX version first*

If you build your HS2 setup from scratch you need:


-Bepis Plugins for HS2

-Resource Redirector



-HeadBundleRedirect for HS2 

If you use a repack then it *may* have all of them installed already (make sure they're up to date)

General Notes:

-HS2 ONLY! Not tweaked or tested for AI as I don't have that game anymore

-No bones framework (for now) meaning limited customization, and compatibility with other hair if they clip

-Preview made with Graphics mod with Next-Gen shader, tested in vanilla and DHH setup as well.

-Made and tested in HS2 DX, I can't test non-DX compatibility and I recommend upgrade to DX if you haven't already

How to use:

Just drop the mods and UserData folder to your HS2 folder (no need to extract the zipmod file)

Load the included card then modify it if you want, I do not suggest building the character from scratch

Do NOT pick individual parts and use it on other head mods or vanilla heads

Limited customization (other than colors)

Card with "Thick Neck" on its name has neck modified using ABMX; looks more accurate IMO but might cause issues. If that happens or you don't like how it looks, load the normal one so you don't have to reset ABMX back yourself

There's some very slight neck seam that I found can be gone completely when using "Default Body F" uncensor but that uncensor lacking details in the important area it's up to your priority (if I can find a way to eliminate that seam in all uncensor I will update the model)

NG folder is optional for next-gen shader user, if you don't use it you can simply ignore it (But if you do, please read the "HOW TO" text file)

Recommended Mod(s):

-Graphics mod or DHH, Hanmen's Next-Gen Shader

Version note:

1.0: Initial release

Download MEGA or attachment below



the frikking

Impressive, this is a big surprise, thanks a lot Cunihinx