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Since I've made plenty of Yakuza character mods before, the process isn't particularly difficult. The biggest roadblock for me is getting her skin, hair, and make-up color right. In the end the result will be very varied depending on lighting setup so please adjust the color as necessary to fit your setup. Like some of my other mods, I include cards with normal length neck and longer neck (using ABMX). Longer neck looks better in my opinion, but should that gives problem you can use normal ones.

NEW with v1.5 update: head mesh, textures, and expressions are heavily revised. Now you can also thicken the neck along with lengthening, card with such modified neck included in the updated pack. New eye shadow mesh, and optional Next-Gen Shader compatible textures (for both version 1.85 and 2.0) included.


*Since v1.5 tested with DX version, if you're non-DX user and have problem loading the card, then please update your game to DX version first*

If you build your HS2 setup from scratch you need:


-Bepis Plugins for HS2

-Resource Redirector



-HeadBundleRedirect for HS2 

If you use a repack then it *may* have all of them installed already (make sure they're up to date)

General Notes:

-HS2 ONLY! Not tweaked or tested for AI as I don't have that game anymore

-No bones framework (for now) meaning limited customization, and compatibility with other hair if they clip

-Preview made with Graphics mod, tested in vanilla and DHH setup as well.

How to use:

Just drop the mods and UserData folder to your HS2 folder (no need to extract the zipmod file)

Load the included card then modify it if you want, I do not suggest building the character from scratch

Adjust the color of skin/hair/etc to fit your lighting setup

(From v1.5) Card with (Mod Neck) on its name has neck extended by 1.12 using ABMX and enlarged; looks better IMO but might cause animation issue. Use normal version should that happen

There's problem with texture stretching around the chin and also neck seam but only noticeable if you zoom very close

(From v1.5) Optional Next-Gen shader textures included

Do NOT pick individual parts and use it on other head mods or vanilla heads

Limited customization (other than colors)

Recommended Mod(s):

-Graphics mod or DHH

Version note:

1.0: Initial release

1.1: Expression fix

1.5: Head mesh/textures/expressions fix, new eye shadow mesh, NG Shader pack included

Download (MEGA) (v1.5) or attachment below



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