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I think character like Claire doesn't need an introduction. So here's preview for public. And my rambling about this character and technical stuff about porting this particular model.

Obviously she's here because she won the poll, but she's in the poll to begin with because I like the character. I ported Claire before to HS1and it was a struggle. This time I took the lessons learned from that and my attempt at Jill for HS2. You see, I usually stick to accuracy, trying to bring the model as unchanged as possible. But I found out that it's not really worth the effort. I had to stretch out ABMX just to fit Jill's eyeballs in to her asymmetrical eye sockets.

So this time I did some modification to the mesh, mainly the eyes position to be symmetrical and fit HS2 eyes well. From my own testing, I think the result is good and doesn't ruin her look. I hope no one find this modified Claire to be noticeably derpy or off-looking. I also tried to preserve the eyebrow mesh but just like Jill they don't look good due to the way HS2 handle hairs so I had to stick with flat brows again. 

Finally there's an unexpected problem with neck normals. I've managed to reduce neck seam to minimum but like other HS2 heads (even vanilla ones) some lighting condition may make neck seam more visible. And some body uncensors caused very visible neck seam (easy fix, just use other uncensor).

Anyway one thing to take is difficulties aside this project made me less dreading on working with RE Remake models in the future. I might even redo Jill with knowledge I gained from this project. So uh, if you're RE fans then it's a good news I guess and thank you for reading this long rambling.



A Lois

<3 love it


Yeah, you should redo Jill since her skin is so dark compare to the body. Next month will be SF girls right?

Karan Madon

Awesome stuff brother! Would love to see Jill reworked as well.


Eyebags a bit to prominent. Could you do a version which looks just like the real life model Claire was modeled after (If its just a makeup texture difference). I think she is much prettier than Claire.