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So a certain patreon account ran by someone name KameronFox is caught selling mods from me, Roy12, and others in outrageous price. Like, you have to pledge $100 tier to get the chara cards. It may not obvious from the front page of that patreon but from other places where he peddling his stuff he clearly ask people to PM him to "download the model". Someone on the modders' circle has evidence that when people did PM him to get access to the model, yes he's demanding $100.

Now after he got the flak from everyone and everywhere he backpedaled and remove the download offer through PM from his pixiv and youtube pages. He forgot one though.

Which is contrary against his argument that he only sell Naruto stuff

We all know Lady isn't Naruto character. Maybe in his mind but whatever.

Anyway he's blocking me in DA, deleting all comments in other places, you know the usual stuff to do when someone trying to cover their tracks. Not sure if he's pretending or he's really naive but it's like he thinks we modders are mad because we didn't get credited. Which is only small part of the problem. In the end he credited us, albeit begrudgingly

Sorry you have to see the c-word there. So what's the problem here other than not being credited and the mods (initially) falsely claimed to be his own creation? Plenty, but we might get dragged into discussion of legality of making mods using copyrighted materials etc that I don't want to start, but here's simple one: he's scamming people. All the mods from me and Roy12 that he tried to peddle are already available for FREE for long time. And yet he act like it's hot new stuff he created and it can be yours for $100! Even if he modify the cards altering the body and change the costume, that's still nothing because what people expecting when they pay is the head and hair mod. Which everyone can get for FREE.

So anyway we modders who are affected by this are weighing our options on what to do. We'll wait and see for any development. In the meantime you can help by spreading awareness. If the guy start promoting his "creation" somewhere (he used the same name everywhere) that you know well is from other modders, mention it and point out where people can get the mods for free. Helping people so they don't fall into his scam. He will likely delete your comments but at least we're sending him a message that he won't get away with this.



Full screenshot of that DA screencap if the pic is too small to read: https://i.imgur.com/fBP4wZp.jpg