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We're at the last week of the month now, so few things I want to talk about:

1. Polls of the month will be up after this. Street Fighter poll will have Lucia and Poison added to the entries. No change in the other poll. Results will be announced at the start of next month as usual.

2. I have some projects including commissions in various state of completion right now. I can't say if I'll be able to release one more before the month ended, but we have 4 releases this month and that's already within the target.

3. If anyone wondering what are those projects I'm working on, I won't reveal commissions until their release. Nor I think obscure characters worthy to be hyped. But well, I do have some projects from well-known series that I can show you...

Again, they're in various state of completion and I can't tell when they're ready. They're among most complex models I've work with. But look forward to them along with poll winners and also commission results next month.

4. Blue Mary is now free for everyone. You know what, maybe from now I'll just use my twitter to announce stuff like that or WIP updates that I don't feel important enough to make a post here. Or if something happened to me or this Patreon account. Same name (@cunihinx) if you want to follow.



I’m sorry Sweaty Latina


Just curious any updates on that graphic card issue?