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1. Karin is now available for $1 Patrons

2. Leona is now available for $5 Patrons

3. I've agreed to two HS commissions so the slots are full (for this month at least)

4. I've been working on this for the next release:

Please ignore the shiny face and clipped eyebrows since it's a WIP anyway. Jill here is the example of sudden inspiration, I was working on a DW9 model (that one will resume later) but the current condition made me want to do some simpler model. Looking around in my XPS library and realized, yeah this model from a remastered Gamecube game is actually not that bad. So I thought of giving the same treatment as Aya and Kagura. I know someone else already port this model, but like Leona I want to make my own version. Things I did and planned to do with Jill:

-Subdivided mesh for face and hair for smoother look

-Enhanced face textures

-Detailed (and separately colorable) eyebrows

-Teeth and tongue meshes replaced with HS asset (more detailed)

-Resizing the eyes to fit the socket better

-RE3 hair as shown above and RE1 hair with the beret (still in progress)

The last two point gave me some trouble I didn't expect, Resizing and repositioning the eyes mean I have to do the same with shadow, highlight, and level-3 tears. And RE1 hair is more than just RE3 hair with beret stuck on top, since it has different bangs. So I can't just port the beret as accessories. I will have the hair with beret as separate hair.

I can say that's my bad habit, taking seemingly simple project that spiraled into more complex one as I go on. Was hoping to have Jill completed in 5th day like Leona after Karin but oh well.



Oh my goodness, I have a lot to thank you for. I've been looking all over for a good HS Jill, and since your models are always really good, my wish is coming true!


You're welcome. The model is kinda tricky being old and all, but I'll do my best.


Great work.