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Vanessa. Not the same Vanessa I made for XPS few days ago, this one is from King of Fighter XIV. I found King to be mostly trouble-free to work with, so since I have the mood I  started to work on another KoF XIV character. However while it's not to the point of frustration, the model has some quirks that illustrate how inconsistent KoF XIV models are.

Take for example the hair shown above. King has standard hair made of single plane of meshes that use transparency to give impression of realistic hair. But Vanessa here combine that style of hair with anime-style hair with chunky and spiky meshes. It made layering and ordering the hair kinda confusing, because while the spiky hair meshes are mostly solid the tip requires transparency thus ordering render queue is still needed. If you don't understand what that means, in short the hair have some issues and may not look perfect in the final product but I hope it won't be too noticeable.

After this I'll move on to other games or revisiting games I did before as the current poll result will suggest (suggest, not decide :p). I do have plan for more KoF characters in the future BUT before you ask, no, I'm NOT gonna do younger characters like Yuri, Muimui, Sylvie, Athena etc (I got asked them for XPS mod a LOT). I like my women to be mature, but seriously the bigger issue is that those characters face design leans more into anime territory than older ones so they're not really fitting in HS. As I said before, KoF XIV has this issue of inconsistent art style.


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