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Koyuki and Yuki tied with same score. Yuki got more votes, but after applying modifier (based on voters' Patron tier) Koyuki ended up with same total score. The rest has same score with Kiyomi dead last. And so the order for my Yakuza HS ports will be:

1. Koyuki

2. Yuki

3. Haruka

4. Makoto

5. Yayoi 

6. Kiyomi

I ended up choosing Koyuki first for various reason, one of them is so it fits my XPS port/mod order. Kinda trivial reasoning but eh. Anyway, already worked on her now and I feel more familiar with the workflow. I'm confident I will finish Koyuki faster than before. Now for number 3 to 5, I just rank them for personal preference and can change.

This list is not exactly the the order of HS ports I'm gonna work on from now on, I'll try porting characters from other games in the meantime too so don't worry if you're not into Yakuza games. And thank you all for your input in this poll.


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