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Arcane 3 - full



Characters in Arcane do not fit neatly into "good guy" "bad guy" roles. It is much more sophisticated and nuanced than your typical Western animation. I know you are very astute when it comes to predicting narrative direction and character arcs (I've watched you do it in many games), but with this...just strap yourself in and enjoy the ride!


Yep, still tears me up...😭🙈 And as I (and the gentleman above me) said, you must let go of "black" and "white" or good and bad narratives, you just get lots of grey. Here you have people who make decisions that have consequences, sometimes horrible ones. But everyone has their own good reasons for making that decision in that moment. For example SIlco: When Powder latches herself at him, you can see his surprise and then him thinking about the moment he felt betrayed by Vander. He takes Powder in because he can relate to her, not because of some advantage. What advantage could that have been anyway? He was obviously looking for the rest of the "Vander family" to kill them too. If he couldn't relate to Powder in that moment he probably would have killed her as soon as he got the info where Vi is...🤔🙈 And again my fellow commenter above is right: Strap yourself and enjoy, because your rollercoaster just passed the first loop, so much more to come. 😊