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Paragon Lost - patrons.mp4


Star Fox

Interesting because I've never watched Paragon Lost. I didn't before playing ME3 for a reason I cannot mention here (I had to thoroughly edit my comment when I realized by the end of the video that you didn't know everything about this anim so I wanted to keep some surprise for what it is worth) and I didn't even after having played ME3. So it's a good occasion to catch up on the Mass Effect fandom knowledge :D Ok, someone cares to tell me why Shepard never have cool briefings with graphics everywhere before going on a mission? No wait, I can guess: "I don't need fancy graphics, I'm Commander Shepard. Leave the fancy to the amateurs barely out of prep school." XD >"I didn't recognize Hackett" I barely recognized him either, what with the weird voice they gave him. However I don't get what Anderson is doing here... I guess it depends on the choices you make in ME1, but as long as Shepard chose him as a Councilor, he should be on the Citadel, not here beside Hackett as Vega story occurs during ME2, so during the time Anderson spent as a Councilor (if Shepard chose him as such). >"I feel judged" Come on, everyone of us got "crazy for some blue" at least once XD One of my Shepard even kissed Aria, or rather it's more like she kissed Shepard so I guess it doesn't count :D >"Is this what Protheans actually looked like?" You should think of Collectors the same way you think of Husks. Husks were human, Collectors were Prothean, the changes are about as extensive in both cases. Both are modifications done by the Reapers to the base life form. So the answer is yes and no. The shape is the same, the real thing is different, as different as a human is to a husk. >"How did you get that?" Yep, I'd be curious to know that too. Just by looking at it? The artifact and the Collector ship don't seem to have anything in common visually. Beside the fact that the collector ship came when the artifact was activated. But that doesn't mean they're based on the same technology. >Collector green death ray Now that's a thing Shepard didn't have to deal with :D >Vega: "If I was Shepard I would have found a way to save all those people" Well, we know for a fact that you wouldn't. Because Shepard didn't save all the colonists on Horizon, just half of them. How comes that Shepard never jumped out from a shuttle on the back of a Preatorian to simply take it down with a mere assault rifle? No, it was always long range with the heaviest weapon possible (except Liera who never get off her sniper rifle :D ) because too close was suicide. At that point Vega should become the new Shepard :D >"Can they all drink the same thing?" Actually yes, Human, Asari, Krogan... no problem sharing... Add a Turian or a Quarian in the mix, that's another story. >"It would be cool if we get to see any of them in Mass Effect 3. I don't know if that can be the case" Who knows? If Vega's story makes you feel that way, all I can say is keep a box of tissues with you at all times for ME3.


I never watched this myself, even though i downloaded it. Is it worth watching?


I liked it. Animation is a bit simplistic, but the story was good.