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So one of my hard drives died, and I know I should known better and have backups, but no one actually thinks about it until something bad happens right? Well, I don't anyway. This was actually the first time a hard drive fail on me ever, so I'll take that as an excuse.

Regardless, I lost a lot of my games, but I THINK I kept all the saves. I tried the most crucial ones and everything seems to be working, even though DAO was giving me a lot of attitude with mods and the 4GB patch. I'm fairly certain all is fixed now, but if you guys see something amiss in the future, do let me know, because I have the memory of a goldfish in terms of what kinds of mods I previously installed :D

Anyways, cheers! I hope you all had a good weekend!


Star Fox

I'd welcome you to the club of the "fried drives" but it's not a club anyone want to be a part of, so I'll skip that. Dragon Age is an easy case regarding reinstalling mods. The game should warn you of any (scripted) mod (ie: Dog Whistle) that was used in a savegame and is not installed anymore so you know which mod you didn't reinstall. If no warning occurs then you're good to go. That leaves the non scripted mods that the game cannot know were installed (textures for example). These you have to check yourself. But sure, I'll keep my eyes peeled. I'm certain we'll all will.


That is annoying, i've been through it couple of times.. I still don't have backups though :)