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Hi everyone!

It has come to my attention that I am not as communicative as I could have been on here (I blame my scatterbrain, but enough pointing fingers haha).

Let's see what we can do to rectify that issue :)

What would you like to see on here that would make you feel more comfortable and/or connected with the community (and, well, me I suppose)?

Currently, I am thinking about more general updates, maybe some life stuff or gaming news that sound interesting. I have a few thoughts for a couple of upcoming videos that may not necessarily be gaming related (no worries, regular games are still going to be on the same schedule as much as I can manage, nothing is being replaced), so that'll hopefully be fun to see. Should we open up instant messaging?

Basically, I want to diversify the content here besides just video announcements and early access.

What else can y'all think of if anything?

Oh, and since apparently YT notifications still are performing in less than desirable ways, here's a photo I snapped while on vacation recently that you may have missed. I thought it was funny :)



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