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Let me know if you can see it alright. I changed up some settings, so I am unsure if you guys see the same thing as me.


Arcane 4 - full



I think for Vi back in ep 3 it didn't matter in that moment whether they would have had a chance to escape and survive or not. When Powder comes around the corner celebrating that her monkey bomb finally worked all Vi is thinking about is that Mylo and Claggor were directly killed by that bomb and Vander was "indirectly" killed by it. Such a emotional show thanks for sharing your experience!


You're probably right. No one could think clearly at such a moment.


Oh no, please don't stop ranting or rambling in your reaction. Hearing your thoughts about everything is half of the fun of your reactions. 😊 I understand why you would want to distance yourself a bit, but I think you won't be very successful with that, at least I couldn't. My heart clings way too much on the two sisters to be able to distance myself...💔 As for predictions, very little in this show is predictable, thats one of the things I like about it. And I loved how your eyes brightened when you realized it is Vi in the prison cell. That was pretty much everyones reaction to this reveal, including myself. It was immediately followed though by deep sadness when the fact sunk in that she spend all these years in prison...😅😭