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Chapter 14

31st of August, 1991


Andromeda Tonks finished casting her makeup spells with a flick of her wand. She gazed into the ornate mirror, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. Her hair, a cascade of luxurious dark curls, framed her face, enhancing her aristocratic features. Emerald green eyes, filled with determination and allure, stared back at her. Her elegant robe clung to her figure, emphasizing her ample bosom and slender waist, the epitome of mature beauty. As she adjusted the neckline of her robe, her thoughts wandered to the unexpected invitation.

The investigation into Sirius had been brief and straightforward. Andromeda had expected to send her findings by owl, but Albus Fucking Dumbledore had invited her and the children to his personal manor instead. Not at Hogwarts ! The thought of visiting Dumbledore’s private residence filled her with a sense of excitement and apprehension. While she knew the invitation was likely to see Harry, she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement at the prospect of meeting one of the most powerful wizards in such an intimate setting. It was a…politically an socially heavy invitation - and clearly a mark of respect.

She turned away from the mirror, the elegant fabric of her robe swaying sensuously with her movements, and made her way to the salon where Nymphadora and Harry were waiting. Harry was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, his eyes alight with excitement. "We’re going to see Dumbledore!" he exclaimed. "The old crazy man who saved me from the Dursleys and put me with you guys! And tomorrow is my first day at Hogwarts!"

Nymphadora, for once, was not dressed in her usual punk outfit. Instead, she wore jeans, Dockers shoes, and a fitted shirt that clung to her athletic figure. The shirt’s buttons strained slightly over her generous chest, revealing a tantalizing hint of cleavage. Her hair, usually a riot of colors, was a simple and elegant auburn.

"Wow, Mum," Nymphadora teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You’ve really outdone yourself. Trying to catch the eye of Dumbledore now that he's a sexy beast of a mature man?"

Andromeda raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Well, Dora, you know it’s perfectly normal to dress our best when visiting one of the most powerful wizards alive, and one of our political leaders."

She then turned her attention to Harry, who was practically bouncing on his feet. "Now, Harry, remember to be on your best behavior. We’re visiting a very important person, and second impressions matter too. And he's to be your Headmaster! So, behave!"

Harry nodded eagerly. "Got it, Aunt Andromeda! Not insulting the crazy old man!"

Andromeda’s eyes twinkled as she looked back at Nymphadora. "But it seems I'm not the only one making an effort today. You look almost professional, Dora. Could it be you're trying to impress the patron of your patrons?"

Nymphadora’s cheeks turned pink, and her hair followed suit, shifting to a soft, pinkish hue. "Mum! It’s not like that! I just thought I’d try something different."

Andromeda snorted. "Oh, please. I know all about your hero worship for Dumbledore. You can't fool me. But there's nothing wrong with wanting to catch the eye of a powerful man. Just keep your head on straight, okay?"

Nymphadora sputtered, her blush deepening. "Mum, I... I just want to look respectable, that’s all!"

"Of course, dear," Andromeda said with a wink. "But you have to admit, he’s become quite the rugged figure. Did you see that picture in the newspaper? When he basically humiliated Malfoy?"

Nymphadora groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Mum, please!"

Andromeda chuckled, turning her attention back to Harry. "Now, let’s get going. We’ll be traveling by Floo Powder. You go first, then Nymphadora, and I’ll follow."

Harry eagerly grabbed a pinch of Floo Powder, threw it into the flames, and called out, "Dumbledore Manor!" before stepping into the brilliant green fire and vanishing.

— — —

31st of August, 1991

Dumbledore Manor

Andromeda Tonks, Nymphadora, and Harry emerged from the green flames, finding themselves in a stunningly surreal Greek-inspired pavilion. The circle of ancient stone was elevated, surrounded by twelve grand pillars, each etched with intricate runes and carvings of mythical creatures. The roof, supported by these pillars, provided shelter from the light drizzle that fell around them. In the center of the circle burned a bright green fire, the magical flame from which they had emerged.

The three of them gasped in unison. Before them lay a scene straight out of a dream. They stood on a cliff, fifty meters above the roaring sea. The waves crashed against the rocks below, sending sprays of saltwater into the air. The sky was a tumultuous gray, adding to the wild, untamed beauty of the setting.

"This is... incredible," Nymphadora whispered, her eyes wide with awe.

Harry nodded, his excitement momentarily subdued by the breathtaking view. "It's amazing."

Andromeda, ever practical, cast a quick charm to shield them from the rain. "Let’s not get soaked before we meet Dumbledore."

They descended the stone steps, their path flanked by lush, magical gardens that seemed to shimmer with life. Exotic plants that Andromeda recognized from her studies were interspersed with familiar flora, creating a tapestry of colors and textures. Delicate blossoms, each petal glowing softly, released a sweet, intoxicating fragrance in spite of the rain. Vines with leaves that sparkled like emeralds twined around the bases of the pillars, their tendrils reaching skyward in a silent dance. Statues of muscular warriors with animal heads—jackals, falcons, and lions—stood as silent guardians.

A narrow cobblestone path, illuminated by floating orbs of light that hovered like fireflies, led from the stairs through the gardens. The orbs emitted a warm, golden glow, casting flickering shadows on the foliage. As they walked, Andromeda noticed small fountains, each with its own unique design. One depicted a mermaid pouring water from a shell, while another showed a centaur rearing back, water arcing gracefully from its hooves. The sound of trickling water mingled with the distant roar of the sea.

At the edge of the garden, a small grove of trees formed a natural archway, their branches intertwining overhead. Beyond the archway, a series of stone lanterns lined a path that led down to the rocky coastline. As they emerged from the garden, Andromeda caught sight of the mansion. It was an architectural marvel, blending sleek modernity with ancient elegance. The mansion's structure featured expansive glass panels that reflected the stormy sky and turbulent sea. Between the glass, the walls were constructed of white stone, each block carved with intricate patterns and adorned with mosaic inlays that depicted scenes from both ancient myths and modern wizarding history - there was even one, magnificent, depicting what had to be the fight of Albus Dumbledore with Grindenwald.

Domed roofs topped various sections of the sprawling building, their surfaces covered in colorful tiles that sparkled in the rain. At the pinnacle of one dome was a golden spire, shaped like a phoenix taking flight, catching the light and casting shimmering reflections. Ivy and flowering vines cascaded down the walls, their blossoms adding splashes of color against the stark white stone. A grand staircase led up to the entrance, flanked by statues of mythical creatures—one side a dragon, the other a winged lion—both appearing ready to spring to life - which they probably were. Andromeda could feel the power - the Mansion had been built on a middle-sized ley line. Had it always been here ? Or had Dumbledore just recently built the mansion ? She had never heard anybody - and she was friend with a lot of his clients - talk about it.

And then they saw him.

Dumbledore floated in mid-air, his back to them, a figure of serene power against the stormy backdrop. His movements were slow and deliberate, like a dance of controlled grace, as he practiced a form of tai chi. His long robes billowed around him.

Nymphadora’s eyes widened, her mouth hanging open in awe. “Wow, that’s...,” she whispered, almost to herself, not finding the right words. Harry nodded, stars in his eyes.

With the noise of the sea and the distance, they couldn't hear Dumbledore muttering to himself. "Look epic... Look epic... You're a badass wizard, Romain, you even remember your tai-chi lessons from that summer when you were five years old…"

Then, to their amazement, Dumbledore took a deep, resonant breath. He thrust his arms forward with a powerful exhalation, and an immense shockwave of raw magical energy exploded from his body. The force was like a hurricane, tearing through the air with a deafening roar. The storm clouds above were ripped apart, revealing a brilliant blue sky and a radiant sun that seemed to blaze with newfound intensity.

The shockwave was so powerful that the ground beneath them trembled. Harry stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock and awe. Andromeda felt a rush of wind whip past her, causing her to take a step back to steady herself, a sheen of sweat forming on her forehead. Nymphadora’s breath caught in her throat as she watched, her eyes wide with wonder and admiration. It was as if she had just witnessed a god at work.

The sun reappeared, bathing the garden in warm, golden light. The rain-soaked foliage glistened like a thousand tiny diamonds, and the statues of animal-headed warriors seemed to come alive in the brilliant sunlight. The entire scene transformed from a dark, stormy cliffside to a radiant paradise. Flowers of every hue sparkled with dewdrops, their petals opening wide to the sudden sunlight.

Dumbledore slowly turned to face them, still in the air. His piercing blue eyes sparkled and his serene smile radiated a warm welcome. "Welcome," he said, his voice magically carrying over the sound of the now-calm sea. "I'm glad you could join me."

Suddenly, a deafening, terrifying roar erupted from the depths of the ocean, shaking the very ground they stood on. The sound was like a thousand thunderclaps combined, reverberating through the cliffs and gardens. From the churning waters below, a gigantic sea monster emerged. Its massive, scaled tentacles writhed and lashed out, sending waves crashing against the cliffs. The creature’s body was covered in dark scales that seemed to absorb the sunlight. It had multiple eyes, and its maw opened wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. It let out another bone-chilling roar.

Harry watched with wide eyes, frozen in place by the sheer size and horror of the beast. "A Kraken!" Nymphadora whispered in awe and fear, her voice barely audible over the monster's roars.

Andromeda's face turned ashen. "No, it's not a Kraken, it's a lot worst" she said, her voice trembling. "It's a Child of Charybdis. Fuck."

The monstrous creature roared again, its tentacles thrashing wildly. In the chaos, they couldn't hear Dumbledore panicking, screaming to himself, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! So that was why this fucking middle-sized ley line was unoccupied! Fuck! It was to good to be true!"

The sea monster, disturbed and enraged by Dumbledore's magical shockwaves, turned its malevolent gaze towards him. With a speed that belied its massive size, it lashed out with its tentacles, aiming directly at the wizard who had disturbed its slumber.

Dumbledore barely had time to react as the monstrous tentacle came crashing down towards him. His serene demeanor shattered, he quickly raised his wand and cast a powerful shield charm. The tentacle slammed into the shield with a force that sent shockwaves through the air, but the barrier held, crackling with magical energy.

"Look badass! Don't panic!" Dumbledore screamed to himself, totally panicking.

With a swift motion, he conjured gigantic chains from the depths of the earth, their links glowing with ancient runes. The chains shot out, wrapping around the monstrous tentacles and binding the creature. For a moment, it seemed as if Dumbledore had subdued the beast.

"Did he vanquish it?" Nymphadora asked, her voice trembling with hope.

Andromeda, eyes wide, shook her head slowly. "No, look!"

The chains began to crack and splinter under the immense pressure of the sea monster's strength. With a deafening roar, the creature broke free and lunged at Dumbledore. He had to dodge swiftly, flying through the air as more tentacles came at him from all directions. The scene was a chaotic dance of dodges and near misses as over twenty tentacles lashed out at him. Dumbledore's robe billowed around him as he soared through the air, evading the relentless assault. Each tentacle was a blur of motion, trying to ensnare him. He twisted and turned, casting spells to deflect the attacks, but the beast was relentless. One tentacle slammed into the cliff, where he had been moments before, shattering the stone into a cloud of dust and debris.

He rolled mid-air, narrowly avoiding another swipe, and cast a spell to send a blast of energy at the beast. The tentacle recoiled but then came back with even more fury. Another tentacle, covered in scales that glistened with a malevolent light, shot towards him. Dumbledore spun, his wand sending out a barrage of spells to keep the tentacles at bay.

As he maneuvered through the onslaught, Dumbledore reached into his pocket and pulled out a gleaming brass knuckle, an American Fist. A smile spread across his face as he held it up.

"Considering the principles of conservation and conversion of energy…This little beauty is enchanted to convert heat into kinetic force. And I've kept it in a blazing furnace for more than twenty day. Testing time !"

With his arm raised like a superhero, he lunged towards the monster.

Nymphadora held her breath in disbelief. "Is he... going to hit it? With his bare fist?"

Harry watched in wonder, his eyes wide with amazement. Andromeda was flabbergasted, barely able to speak. "He can't be serious…I know he's Albus Fucking Dumbledore, but…"

Dumbledore's fist connected with the monster's body. The enchanted American Fist transferred all the stored heat energy into a colossal punch. The shockwave from the impact sent ripples through the air, and a squelching sound of flesh echoed as the monster recoiled. The creature roared in pain, its tentacles flailing wildly before it collapsed back into the sea, defeated. The waves crashed violently for a moment, then began to calm as the beast disappeared beneath the surface.

Dumbledore floated down gracefully, his robes settling around him as he landed. He turned to his stunned audience, a mischievous grin on his roguish face. "Sorry for the delay - I had a little pest to take care of."



So albus fucking Dumbledore is gonna enjoy some oyakadon tonight, cause there ain't no way those two gonna get bent over after that display