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1) A guy is going to the mall to get a haircut and on his way in he knocks down an old lady and then gets up and rudely says watch it old bat so then she places a curse on him that when he goes into the mall he’s slowly turning into a girl like he passes a makeup store and the girl clerk forces him to try the makeup on and then he passes a clothing store and they think he’s a girl so when he asks for a pair of jeans and t shirt they give him girls skinny jeans and a crop top which he doesn’t notice till later and then finally he goes to the barber but it turns out to be a salon so it’s to late for him to turn out cause the girl stylists insist he stay unbeknownst to him their planning on giving him a sexy girl cut and then gets hit on by a guy. 2)A lonely guy is sad about how sometimes he feels left out of group activities and lack of live life, to his bimbo best friends. So they decide to have him become one of the girls. Would be neat if it was some what voluntary or had a more traditional happy ending. 3)In a frat house new pledges are sent by the president of the frat to a new sorority that has all the ditzy cheerleaders to do a prank on them. But the sorority instead takes over the frat and has it as a second sorority where each guy turns into a bimbo. 4) Story about a guy who is working as programmer. He is very smart, nerdy and shy. He has a problem with interacting with people and can't find friends and girlfriend so he wants to change that. One day he gets a message that says that it can change his life and a link in it. When he clicks it reality changes to where everyone is completely opposite of themselfs. He becomes the ditzy, socialable secretary.