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It goes like this:

1) Write down in the comments or PM me your idea! (For all patrons. Total Immersion can make two suggestions)

2) On May, 18  we start the poll to choose the winner (Only Diving Deeper and Total Immersion can vote)

3) On May, 29 the winner is announced, and I begin to write the story.

4) In June we enjoy the story :)

Let's get ready to R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RUMBLE!



Hhh hhh

One of the school guys laughs at pregnant girl from his high school calling her a bimbo cumslut. The girl decides to change him into teen pregnant bimbo

Shaun Foraker

A frat house new pledges are sent by the president of the frat to a new sorority that has all the ditzy cheerleaders and do a prank on them for there sorority building they are in butthe sorority to instead takes over the frat and has it as a second sorority each guy becomes bimbos

Daddy Brock

college quarterback invites a girl to a frat party gets her drunk but doesn't realize shes a with he hooks up with her and wakes up with a note saying call me or else he doesn't call the next weekend they win the game she's head cheerleader and his ex she invites him to a sorority celebration when they tie him and blindfold him they start to feel him up hes unaware hes surrounded by 10 of his ex flings who are all witches who transform his body and clothes from star quarterback to big breasted blonde air head cheerleader they remove the blindfold and explain he used the 10 of them now the only way he can return to himself is to sleep with his 10 offensive teammates before kickoff of the next game or hes stuck as a blonde bimbo cheerleader forever i call it "Sorority Revenge"


High society woman does not approve of her son’s college girlfriend (she’s too down to earth/family not rich enough). When the couple visits for a long weekend, the bf’s mom takes the opportunity to transform his gf into someone she finds more “acceptable”. Although the boyfriend is oblivious, a close sibling (or friend) of the gf is able to partially see through the magic and tries to rescue her…


Young man in a college photography course. Everyone is given an assignment to replicate perfectly an image given to them. The young man is given an instagram selfie of a bimbo. Not knowing any women willing to dress that slutty, the young man must become the person in the image to perfectly replicate it and pass the class.


<@!818226866464882738> <@!818226866464882738> could you do one where a guy is going to the mall to get a haircut and on his way in he knocks down an old lady and then gets up and rudely says watch it old bat so then she places a curse on him that when he goes into the mall he’s slowly turning into a girl like he passes a makeup store and the girl clerk forces him to try the makeup on and then he passes a clothing store and they think he’s a girl so when he asks for a pair of jeans and t shirt they give him girls skinny jeans and a crop top which he doesn’t notice till later and then finally he goes to the barber but it turns out to be a salon so it’s to late for him to turn out cause the girl stylists insist he stay unbeknownst to him their planning on giving him a sexy girl cut and then gets hit on by a guy?


Ignore numbers

Cole Oeste

A nerdy couple in their sophomore year of college are finally moving in together, and they get a great deal on an apartment that used to belong to a douchey frat guy and his blonde party girl sorority girlfriend. They quickly find themselves transforming against their will, including their possessions, bodies, clothes and memories to better fit their new home, the love between them turning into shallow lust, as they lose all love for anything nerdy, the guy becoming a total meathead obsessed with working out, sports and being the class clown, the girl becoming a vain popular girl obsessed with social media, reality tv, partying, and muscular guys. They end up despising people like they used to be, but don't remember ever having been like that. mtm ftf

Leon Castille

In the near future, society has developed to a state where upon reaching adulthood, men who fail a genetic test (the majority of men) and all all women, are taken by the government to undergo a physical and mental transformation into a more suitable bimbo form, so that they may serve the ruling elite. Society treats this as a normal part of life, but two best friends born on the same day (one male, one female), having seen what happened to family and friends who underwent the transformation, decide that this fate won't befall them and try to resist. However, their resistance is futile and they succumb to the procedure. (This idea is very heavily based off the Twilight Zone episode "Number 12 Looks Just Like You", so you can read the Wikipedia article or watch the episode for more of an idea of the vibe).


Hope I'm not too late to submit my ideas. Dudebro has a nerdy roommate who has just bought a realdoll. The dudebro makes fun of the nerdy guy for getting the realdoll and for being unable to get a real girlfriend. Later that night, while the nerdy guy is sleeping,the realdoll starts moving on it's own and attacks the brodude. While attacking, the realdoll enters the dudebro's body. Once fully inside his body, the realdoll slowly turns the dudebro's body into a flesh and blood version of the realdoll's body. The realdoll also changes the dudebro mentally, making him, now her, only remember being the nerdy guy's sweet, loving, submissive, ditzy, bimbo girly girl girlfriend. The realdoll also changes reality by changing the apartment so that it looks like a man/woman couple live there, instead of two guys. The next morning, the nerdy guy wakes up with the realdoll, now a real woman, in his bed and his bedroom looks like they both share the room. The nerdy guy is confused about who this girl is, as well as confused about where his roommate, the dudebro, is, but soon the nerdy guy's mind is altered so that he forgets that the dudebro roommate ever existed and only remembers living in the apartment with his girlfriend (also forgetting about ever having bought a realdoll).