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It goes like this:

1) Write down in the comments or PM me your idea! (For all patrons. Total Immersion can make two suggestions)

2) On November, 18  we start the poll to choose the winner (Only Diving Deeper and Total Immersion can vote)

3) On November, 25 the winner is announced, and I begin to write the story.

4) In December we enjoy the story :)

Let's get ready to R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RUMBLE!




The Tokyo Three. Three male visitors to Tokyo go missing in a single day. One tourist spends a little too much at a Yakuza owned bar, and they use Shinto magic to turn him into an eager Japanese whore. Another tourist is so entranced by a Kabuki performance that he ends up "joining" the group... permanently. Finally, an arrogant young American businessman is transformed into a secretary by the local businessmen he tries to scam. They use an ancient Nara medallion. He is a now a happy Japanese wife for one of the businessmen who transformed him. They make have rough sex quite regularly.


A group playing DnD gets more than they bargained for after pissing off their game master, who is secretly a witch. One by one they all get transformed into their characters and find themselves as the party they were playing as...but actually transported to the fantasy world! Figured I would give you some freedom with this prompt. But some archetypes I'm thinking of are the dominant barbarian woman, healslut cleric, bimbo bard, slutty rogue. Something along those lines!


A charismatic Jock does his best to woo an attractive Christian/Mormon Girl; but she is holding out until marriage and isn’t interested. He gets ahold of some bimbo-transformation powder from a Alchemist neighbor who warns him not to get any on him. He puts a little bit in her drink but accidentally drops the majority of the powder on himself. Over the day she becomes more overtly sexual but he transforms into a dimwitted bimbo.

Cole Oeste

College Corruption: a sweet nerdy couple start their freshman year at a university, casting judgement upon the party lifestyle of people involved in greek life. They then find themselves changing into the very kind of people they despise, the guy into a douchey frat bro who only cares about gymming, sports, frat parties and babes, and the girl into a hot, shallow blonde popular party girl who's kind of bitchy and hates nerds, and only likes dumb guys with big muscles and big dicks.

Shaun Foraker

Black friday bimbo : a early twenty year old looking for gifts on black friday for his current girlfriend and runs into his ex and he can either duck into a store to try and dodge her but ends up getting help from a clerk that slowly turns him into a shopaholic bimbo or another would be his ex sees him and "helps" him but is slowly turning him into a bimbo like her


An extremely tall and large, muscled man - very kind-hearted - accidentally scares the heck out of an old woman when running in a public park. She casts a spell on him that slowly turns him into a very small (5'0", or smaller) young 20-ish woman. She has to learn how to navigate the world when being a "fun-sized" vulnerable woman, but also finds that she becomes more submissive and enjoys the position of being taken care of.


Two frumpy and worried soccer moms head out to the hottest club in the city to find their daughters after they stay out too late. The longer they stay and get lost in the club, the more they change to two hot, mischievous, teenaged ravers who are a part of the entourage of their new friends.


A dungeon and dragons story where what ever is written on a guy’s character sheet becomes true for him. When his friends find out, they decide they want a horny slut to be part of their game group.


Dudebro has a nerdy roommate who has just bought a realdoll. The dudebro makes fun of the nerdy guy for getting the realdoll and for being unable to get a real girlfriend. Later that night, while the nerdy guy is sleeping,the realdoll starts moving on it's own and attacks the brodude. While attacking, the realdoll merges with the dudebro's body. Once fully inside his body, the realdoll slowly turns the dudebro's body into a flesh and blood version of the realdoll's body. The realdoll also changes the dudebro mentally, making him, now her, only remember being the nerdy guy's sweet, loving, submissive, ditzy, bimbo girly girl girlfriend. The realdoll also changes reality by changing the apartment so that it looks like a man/woman couple live there, instead of two guys. The next morning, the nerdy guy wakes up with the realdoll, now a real woman, in his bed and his bedroom looks like they both share the room. The nerdy guy is confused about who this girl is, as well as confused about where his roommate, the dudebro, is, but soon the nerdy guy's mind is altered so that he forgets that the dudebro roommate ever existed and only remembers living in the apartment with his girlfriend (also forgetting about ever having bought a realdoll).


Guy who loves reading a TG/Bimbo story, is just finishing reading one of those stories. He enjoys the panic and suffering of the guys in the story as they are physically and mentally turned into sexy busty curvy bimbo babes. He just finishes reading a TG/Bimbo story and didn't like it for nitpicky reasons, so he leaves a mean nasty comment. The author replies to the comment with something like "Well, if you didn't like that story, you can check out this story I just finished", and leaves a link, which the guy clicks and opens. The link leads to a new story, which the guy starts to read. The story stars a guy much like him, the guy not realizing it is him. As he reads the story and enjoys reading about the changes to the main character, the changes happen to him (so like when the character in the story's hair turns blonde and long, so does the guy reading the story's hair, and so on). He doesn't really notice at first, but eventually he catches on that he's changing, but he can't stop reading the story. He's scared and panicking, only wanting to read about guys becoming sexy bimbos, not become a sexy bimbo himself. By the time the guy gets to the end of the story and finishes reading it, he, now she, has completely physically and mentally changed into a sexy air-headed bimbo. As she exits the webpage, the computer and the computer desk changes into a mirror on a vanity/make up table, her clothes go from undershirt and boxers to skimpy dress and bra & panties and the rest of the bedroom changes into a bedroom of a basic bimbo girl (think "Live, Laugh, Love" aesthetic) and the rest of the apartment changes into an apartment of a basic bimbo girl. The sexy bimbo remembers that she has to finish getting ready and that's why she's sitting at her vanity/make up table because she still has to put on her make up. Once she's finishes putting on her make up, she grabs her purse and eagerly goes to meet up with her BFF/bestie to go to the club to meet some cute hunks. As leaves her apartment, this story would end as it cuts to the author at his computer desk as he finishes writing his latest TG/Bimbo story. The author turns to the reader and says "Ain't I a stinker?".