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Make Me Proud: Chapter I <== Click Here

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"Mellisa gets annoyed by a constant bragging of Kerry about how perfect her children are. She has it enough, and, for a practicing witch, there are several solutions to that."



Robert Drew

It is very seldom that teenage boys show concern for the welfare of their sisters without prompt particularly if the sisters have reputations as the goody-two-shoes of the family.


I agree with you. But that explains Keri's bragging about how perfect her family is. You know, the kind of children that came off the screen of some milk commercial, as if begging for some witch to lay her wicked eye on them ;)

Robert Drew

The question now being whether Ethan will be blessed with a Kelly Bundy brain (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=kelly+bundy+brain&amp;=true) in the near future as well!

Robert Drew

It's sort of unfair that the children have to endure the consequences to spite the mother. It's not like they personally offended Melissa.

Eric Herrera

Great video can't wait for the next one