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1) A high School tennis player who’s not good enough to be top varsity decides to “identify” as female so he can be top varsity on the girls' team (taking advantage of new state regulations.) After doing what he can to fit in; he starts to slowly become more female. Hates wearing the mandatory tennis skirts. Doesn’t have to shave in the morning, hair becomes blonder and growing rapidly. Starts to fit the tennis outfit. Starts failing classes cause he is getting dumber. Happens over the course of a week of tennis practice.


2) Class clown jerk teenage boy/student hates his teacher for being a stuck-up bossy mean asshole and the teacher/guy hates the student because the student is a rude immature lazy bastard who never does any work. The teacher also doesn't like teenagers in general, for similar reasons. The school day ends and they both go to their homes. Later that night, the student changes physically and mentally into an adult woman who is a teacher and also a man-hungry MILF. The teacher changes physically and mentally into a teenage girl who is a student and a ditzy boy crazy teenage girl more interested in clothes and boys than learning. Their homes change to reflect their new realities and they also forget their old lives. The next day, the student, now teacher, and teacher, now student, are in class. The teacher, now student, doesn't like the student, now teacher, for being a lame uptight old hag who doesn't know how to have fun and the student, now teacher, not liking the teacher, now student, for being a shallow self-absorbed brat with no interest in learning and maturing.


3) Three chauvinistic managers turn into various Slutty Trophy MILFs after insulting a witch or making comments about women only being good for slutty Homemakers.


4) An extremely tall and large, muscled man - very kind-hearted - accidentally scares the heck out of an old woman when running in a public park. She casts a spell on him that slowly turns him into a very small (5'0", or smaller) young 20-ish woman. She has to learn how to navigate the world when being a "fun-sized" vulnerable woman, but also finds that she becomes more submissive and enjoys the position of being taken care of.