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2) This story would take place somewhere like Southern California or somewhere with a large Hispanic population and center around a girl, let's call her Wendy for now. She's Caucasian, blonde hair, not native to wherever the story takes place, your typical girl next door. She moves here to go to college, a real fish out of the water, and she catches the attention of a Hispanic gang leader of drug lord character, let's call his Cesar. He sees a naive young woman that he can corrupt and mold into the kinda tough and urban woman befitting someone like him. He sends two of his female gang members or cronies to befriend her and try to help her fit in. They introduce her to him, not revealing who he actually is, and they start to hang out. This would be where they would use a drug or some sort of hypnosis to start to change her. Over time she would begin to dress like them, get a tan, change her hair color, change the way she speaks, like using more Spanish, or getting an accent. By the end, she would still be Caucasian but with darker skin but picked up their style, language, and tendencies. Or, you could have her actually become Hispanic somehow. But, the ultimate goal is for her to become a stereotypical Chola-type character.


3) A few Service Members on shore leave in a foreign country find themselves in a shady bar and get an offer to earn some real money if they join in on some poker. They don’t have any money but that’s fine, for every hand they win, they get some money and a little more virile. But for every hand they lose, they don’t lose any money, they lose their masculinity. May the best man win.


4) A group of people aged from 18 to 50 go into a shopping mall and get changed from the various items for sale inside (IE: A french perfume that turns the user into a maid...etc) or a Hot Topic style store which turns a prudish older woman into a tatted up, gothic femme fatale


I think this one is the best one of this group. So much variety of different changes possible with this one.


Ballerinas aren't dainty! They're made of steel ...


Agree! I've seen some of Maya Plisetskaya videos, that's just WOW!