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It goes like this:

1) Write down in the comments or PM me your idea! (For all patrons. Total Immersion can make two suggestions)

2) On March, 18  we start the poll to choose the winner (Only Diving Deeper and Total Immersion can vote)

3) On March, 28 the winner is announced, and I start working on the story.

4) In April  we enjoy the story :)

Let's get ready to R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RUMBLE!



A cooper

Guy tries to pick up a chick at the bar. She turns him down and then he calls her a dumb bimbo. Bartender makes him into that instead.


A tall big man accidentally bumps a witch. She curses him to become a short skinny woman to whom men seem like giants. Giants she longs to ... climb ...

John Doe

A Man asks a private detective to find his wife. While searching the detective eventually finds the wife but she decides that she wants to life a single life now. She then transforms the detective into a clone of her physically at first. But as he tries to run back and tell the man who hired him that this was all a elaborate trap he finds the mental changes kicking in. He soon takes the spot of the wife and the man forgets about ever hiring anybody to find her to begin with.


A group of people aged from 18 to 50 go into a shopping mall and get changed from the various items for sale inside (IE: A french perfume that turns the user into a maid...etc) or a Hot Topic style store which turns a prudish older woman into a tatted up, gothic femme fatale


A few Service Members on shore leave in a foreign country find themselves in a shady bar and get an offer to earn some real money if they join in on some poker. They don’t have any money but that’s fine, for every hand they win, they get some money and a little more virile. But for every hand they lose, they don’t lose any money, they lose their masculinity. May the best man win.

Brett Midea

An hugely muscular bodybuilder insults a very thin ballerina, calling ballet bullshit or something, so she slowly turns him into an incredibly small and dainty ballerina


A washed up Hip Hop artist past his prime gets turned into eye candy for the new up and coming artist's music videos.


Dudebro has a nerdy roommate who has just bought a realdoll. The dudebro makes fun of the nerdy guy for getting the realdoll and for being unable to get a real girlfriend. Later that night, while the nerdy guy is sleeping,the realdoll starts moving on it's own and attacks the brodude. While attacking, the realdoll enters the dudebro's body. Once fully inside his body, the realdoll slowly turns the dudebro's body into a flesh and blood version of the realdoll's body. The realdoll also changes the dudebro mentally, making him, now her, only remember being the nerdy guy's sweet, loving, submissive, ditzy, bimbo girly girl girlfriend. The realdoll also changes reality by changing the apartment so that it looks like a man/woman couple live there, instead of two guys. The next morning, the nerdy guy wakes up with the realdoll, now a real woman, in his bed and his bedroom looks like they both share the room. The nerdy guy is confused about who this girl is, as well as confused about where his roommate, the dudebro, is, but soon the nerdy guy's mind is altered so that he forgets that the dudebro roommate ever existed and only remembers living in the apartment with his girlfriend (also forgetting about ever having bought a realdoll).


A wedding planner, who also happens to be a witch, is overseeing a wedding where the bride has no friends or family to be bridesmaids and she feels sorry for the bride. Before the wedding, however, she sees three guys crashing the wedding, who are looking for vunerable girls to hook up with. This upsets the wedding planner. Deciding to kill two birds with one stone, she puts a spell on the three guys. Little by little, they each turn physically and mentally into different women in the brides' life, who have come together to be bridesmaids for their friend, the bride. The first guy changes into a brown eyed brunette woman who is a average height (5' 5" - 5' 6"?), shy, quiet, sweet girl next door type who is a long time childhood best friend of the bride. The next guy changes into a blue eyed blonde woman who is a petite (5' 2" - 5' 3"?), curvy yet athletic (cheerleader? gymnast?) bubbly, ditzy, boy crazy, air-headed girly girl type who is a former college roommate/former sorority sister of the bride. The last guy changes into a green eyed red head woman who is a tall (5' 9 - 5' 10"?), fierce, fiery, hot tempered, fiesty, man eater/hungry type who is a co-worker/work friend of the bride. Once they all finish changing, they go to help the bride get ready for her big day. The bride doesn't recognize them at first, but then her memories change (include memories of a wild bachelorette party/weekend?) and she now recognizes them as her friends and bridesmaids. Then the wedding ceremony happens and the bride gets married with her best friends by her side. And the story would end at the wedding reception, with the bride having a good time with friends/bridesmaids, as well as each of the bridesmaids hooking up with guys they meet at the reception and the wedding planner looking over at the bride and her bridesmaids, pleased at a job well done.


A guy visiting Ireland hits on a barmaid. She turns him into an Irish slut.

Omnissiah Zelos

Plain girl tries to hit on guy, he turns her down cause she ain’t augmented, he gets turned into a very augmented plastic bimbo


A young detective and his older partner go to the private island on which there is a psychiatric facility for rich elites, to explain several disappearances. During the investigation, they learn that some patients are subjected to genetic experiments (Retrovirus / Nonobot, plastic surgery and brain washing) to strengthen men's and female features. They do not know that only one of them will leave the island as a man intelligent himbo and the other as female brainless bimbo fucktoy.


A notorious pirate captain in the 1800’s captures a british navy ship. He interrogates the Navy ship’s captain about the routes of other ships. When the Navy captain refuses, the pirates use a special coin from the pirates’ previous score starts slowly turning the navy captain into the pirate ship’s long time bimbo whore who will do anything to stay on the pirate captain’s good side.


A doctor insults his secretary who ends up hypnotizing and altering reality and him to become the bimbo secretary and she becomes a doctor.