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Hey, everybody! Here are the full versions of the ideas: 1) An extremely tall and large, muscled man - very kind-hearted - accidentally scares the heck out of an old woman when running in a public park. She casts a spell on him that slowly turns him into a very small (5'0", or smaller) young 20-ish woman. She has to learn how to navigate the world when being a "fun-sized" vulnerable woman, but also finds that she becomes more submissive and enjoys the position of being taken care of.


2) College student who gives his single mom a hard time for going to the club and going out on dates gets transformed by his younger sister into his mom's new best friend. The new cougar goes out with his former mom looking to pick up men while his sister follows them to the club and snaps her fingers to get her former brother to start flirting/dancing, especially with young men!


3) Three bank robbers are on the run after robbing a bank and are trying to find places to hide until they can meet up with the fourth member of their team. They each hideout in girly clothing stores, each for girls of different ages. The leader of the group, who leads using fear and intimidation, hides in a clothing store for tween girls and gets turned into a tween girl who no longer can intimidate anybody. The brains of the group hides in a clothing store for teen/young adult girls and gets turned into a ditzy, boy crazy teen girl. The tough macho muscle of the group hides out in a clothing store for adult women and gets turned into a very dainty ultra-feminine MILF. The robbers are now a family, a mother and her two daughters. They go meet up with the fourth member, the driver of the group, who has turned older and has now become the father of the family. The family drives off to their new lives and the money returns to the bank as if it was never stolen.


4) A man who goes to sail across the world Gets sucked into a storm that brings him to a land only told in fairytales. But there seems to be something wrong as they keep thinking he’s the lost princess and soon he starts to think they might be right. Soon he takes the throne and is married to keep all the land in peace.


The hottest ideas never win. Smh.


Every story will eventually come under the spotlight, I think.