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1) A guy gets a follow request on Instagram. It looks likre spam because the profile only has pictures of a hot bikini babe. He blocks it, but then she keeps messaging him and uploading tagged photos of their past together, including childhood memories like they are long time friends. Each time he sees these, he's slowly feminized until he meets her for a beach vacation, fully feminized and bimbofied.

StevenC (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-31 14:41:55 2) Guy has a Men's Rights blog where he writes about how feminism is ruining everything and other such anti feminist garbage. A commenter, whose a woman, complains about his anti feminist ideology and the guy replies back about how women don't know about anything complex & important and only know about clothes, make up, hair and boys. Then the guy turns into a girl physically and mentally as his Men's Rights blog changes into a fashion blog and his sparse social media pages are now filled with selfies of her, like outfit selfies, gym selfies, selfies of her with girly friends, selfies with her and her boyfriend and so on. By the end, she's now a fashion obsessed girly girl who writes a fashion blog where she writes about clothes, make up, hair and girly accessories and so on, with a boyfriend who's also a blogger, blogging about workout advice. The commenter returns, posting a comment complimenting the fashion blogger on having a good fashion taste and the fashion blogger thanks the commenter for the kind words. With her latest post done, the fashion blogger then spends some sexy time with her boyfriend. And that's how the story would end. Late 30 something old toxic masculinity Men's Rights blogger to early 20 something old girly girl fashion blogger (Magical transformation; mental changes; age regression; macho man mentality to girly girl mentality)
2021-01-11 18:38:24 2) Guy has a Men's Rights blog where he writes about how feminism is ruining everything and other such anti feminist garbage. A commenter, whose a woman, complains about his anti feminist ideology and the guy replies back about how women don't know about anything complex & important and only know about clothes, make up, hair and boys. Then the guy turns into a girl physically and mentally as his Men's Rights blog changes into a fashion blog and his sparse social media pages are now filled with selfies of her, like outfit selfies, gym selfies, selfies of her with girly friends, selfies with her and her boyfriend and so on. By the end, she's now a fashion obsessed girly girl who writes a fashion blog where she writes about clothes, make up, hair and girly accessories and so on, with a boyfriend who's also a blogger, blogging about workout advice. The commenter returns, posting a comment complimenting the fashion blogger on having a good fashion taste and the fashion blogger thanks the commenter for the kind words. With her latest post done, the fashion blogger then spends some sexy time with her boyfriend. And that's how the story would end. Late 30 something old toxic masculinity Men's Rights blogger to early 20 something old girly girl fashion blogger (Magical transformation; mental changes; age regression; macho man mentality to girly girl mentality)

2) Guy has a Men's Rights blog where he writes about how feminism is ruining everything and other such anti feminist garbage. A commenter, whose a woman, complains about his anti feminist ideology and the guy replies back about how women don't know about anything complex & important and only know about clothes, make up, hair and boys. Then the guy turns into a girl physically and mentally as his Men's Rights blog changes into a fashion blog and his sparse social media pages are now filled with selfies of her, like outfit selfies, gym selfies, selfies of her with girly friends, selfies with her and her boyfriend and so on. By the end, she's now a fashion obsessed girly girl who writes a fashion blog where she writes about clothes, make up, hair and girly accessories and so on, with a boyfriend who's also a blogger, blogging about workout advice. The commenter returns, posting a comment complimenting the fashion blogger on having a good fashion taste and the fashion blogger thanks the commenter for the kind words. With her latest post done, the fashion blogger then spends some sexy time with her boyfriend. And that's how the story would end. Late 30 something old toxic masculinity Men's Rights blogger to early 20 something old girly girl fashion blogger (Magical transformation; mental changes; age regression; macho man mentality to girly girl mentality)


3) Prototypical “Karen” is harassing a store clerk over something trivial. A nice girl/guy next door couple intercede to try to defend the clerk. Little do they know, the Karen has some reality warping power (maybe she’s a witch or finds a magical item). To get revenge she turns one of the two into her own entitled bratty daughter and the other one into a bff/lackey of her daughter.