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Hey, guys! Here's the full versions of the ideas: 1) A guy gets a follow request on Instagram. It looks likre spam because the profile only has pictures of a hot bikini babe. He blocks it, but then she keeps messaging him and uploading tagged photos of their past together, including childhood memories like they are long time friends. Each time he sees these, he's slowly feminized until he meets her for a beach vacation, fully feminized and bimbofied.


3)A politician or CEO who thinks that the "little people" are trash finds himself visited by the Three Sexy Bimbos of Christmas, and find himself having to live as the stereotypes he always held - a bimbo stripper, a trailer trash mom, etc.


4)Two friends climb a mountain trail meant to be a sign of passage for the town they live in. But what they aren’t told is it has a special effect on those who aren’t worthy enough. halfway up something happens as one friend turns around thinking it will all stop but instead makes it worse while the other friend completes the journey to find it was all a reward for the hard journey.


Also, we still have a few spots in the other Groups, so feel free to participate ;)