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The time has come!

Let's give a start to "You Write the Story" October!

It goes like this:

1) Write down in comments or PM me your idea! (For all patrons. Total Immersion
can make two suggestions)

2)  On October, 21 we start the poll to choose the winner (Only Diving Deeper and Total Immersion can vote)

3) On October, 26 the winner is announced and I start making the story.

4) On  October, 31 we enjoy the story :)

As you may have noticed, we have some changes to the schedule due to the latest massive stories. So on October 24 we will have something different ;)

Let's get ready to R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RUMBLE!




A Presidential candidate becomes a bimbo slowly, and as she transforms, so magically does her campaign and her whole political party. And what happens if they win? (Doesn't have to be real election.)

A cooper

Guy is a major gym junkie who takes some new supplement. Once he starts taking it he sees great improvements until he starts to take too much and begins to change him into a gym bunny


A guy writes stories on the internet about men and women who slow transform into bimbos and whores. Little does he know he has upset a powerful witch by using one of her pictures in one of his stories and she decides to teach him a lesson that pretty women are more than whores to perv over. she cast a curse on him so that his next story comes to life but he has no idea that what he writes affect and transforms him

John Doe

A football player starts to play really bad on the field so he blames his girlfriend who’s decides to teach him a lesson of being a cheerleader who falls for his replacement who he always made fun of and ridiculed.


A Big Tech company co-founder is poisoned with nanites (dumped in a glass of whiskey) by his partner who wants to take the company in another direction. He is first transformed into a plain Jane. Then he slowly becomes a typical bimbo with no interest in the company and only cares about sex, shopping and salon visits. To stay rich, she marries his partner becoming a trophy wife and she eventually becomes pregnant with his heir.

Leon Castille

An office slacker, expecting to be fired, is surprised to find out he's been promoted to his company's top-secret 'Bio-Metric Business Operations' team (or BiMBO as it's sometimes called) . He's thrilled to join, but maybe he should have noticed that promotions to the team are often followed by the hiring of a new office secretary...

R. Briers

You definitely have my vote


There is a new haunted house in town. It is too be the scariest in fact there is a 10,000 prize if you finish it. The problem is each time you scream or get scared you get a little more feminine and easier to scare. Robert the captain of the football team, big man on campus wants to get that money, little does he know by the end he will be the tiny cutie looking for the strong man to comfort her.

Rj Gauld

A High School Clique of Bimbos is suddenly missing their leader, so they find someone so non-descript and boring they can change them to their heart's content to become their new leader.


Average high school/college couple (or just the guy) makes a deal with gypsy after saving her life. Wish to be more successful in school but are transformed into school sluts who sleep around to get others to do their work for them.


A guy called James gets invited to by his friends to a Halloween party, he's hesitant as it's being hosted by some bitchy bimbo, but he decides to go as all his friends will be there, it can't be that bad. Upon arriving, he realises that it's only females at the party, and all of them seem to be scantily dressed bimbos, he looks around for his friends but still only comes across more sex crazed bimbos. The host makes her appearance, and announces to him that all his friends who turned up are now the bimbos he sees around him, with that he notices a weird pink gas spreading throughout the building, which eventually turns him into a bimbo, just like all his friends.


Jack wins a Playboy flight ticket. On the flight, he slowly becomes plastic busty airhead bimbo stewardess, to entertain airline clients.


An old simple board game change

Steve Piven

College student who gives his single mom a hard time for going to the club and going out on dates gets transformed by his younger sister into his mom's new best friend. The new cougar goes out with his former mom looking to pick up men while his sister follows them to the club and snaps her fingers to get her former brother to start flirting/dancing, especially with young men!


I don't know if you recognize my pic from another website but already gave you my suggestion based of an episode of a certain cartoon.


Guy has friend with single, lonely father. Has discussion with friend, while at his house, that he wishes he could see/help the guy be happier, which the father overhears. A few days later, he goes over to visit his friend again. Unexpectedly, the friend is out, but his father is in. Father invites friend in, tells him to sit down, and then, somehow, magically (drink? spell? I don't mind!) transforms friend into woman his own age, who then becomes the son's new bimbo stepmom, flirting with him and teasing him, but only ever sleeping with the father. Son could either not realise the new reality, or (and I would prefer this), maybe he wonders where his friend is/has gone, but his dad never tells him, and his new stepmom doesn't know who the hell he is talking about!


A prominent researcher in jungle life is in the field studying a plant he believes to be a new species. He eagerly collects a sample but accidentally gets picked by a thorn. He continues his study and realizes what the plant is: a bimbofication rose! From here, he could join a bimbo jungle tribe or fail to warn humanity and accidentally bring the plant to society and begin a bimbo epidemic. Lots of avenues!


Paranormal Investigator/Ghost Hunter to Ditzy Sorority Girl Man to Woman; Bimboization A wannabe paranormal investigator/ghost hunter (like on the show Ghost Hunters) is investigating an abandoned supposedly haunted sorority house and is livestreaming as he investigates. As he investigates the abandoned sorority house, he's stalked by the ghost that haunt the place. Little by little, slowly but surely, he changes physically and mentally by the ghosts into a ditzy sorority girl living with a bunch of other sorority girls as the sorority house repairs itself back to normal. And his, now her ghost hunter livestream changes into a cam show she does to earn to help pay her tuition for college. Then maybe the story ends with the ghost hunter turned sorority girl going on a date with the most popular guy on campus or end with the sorority hosting a wild party with the popular frat. Short version: Paranormal Investigator/Ghost Hunter investigates an abandoned sorority house which he livestreams. The ghosts turn him into a ditzy sorority girl and his livestream turns into a cam show.


Hmm, I like this! But there's already something pretty similar on TGComics.com, though I think that one is a whorehouse, rather than a sorority! But still, would be interested to see Steven's take on it *shrug*.